Betrayed twice

Betrayed twice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We dated Misha for about six months. I loved him very much, everything was wonderful. And when I said thatpregnant , Misha immediately changed: he began to demand that I have an abortion, but my parents did not allow it. They said that this is very dangerous; after the first abortion, a woman can become infertile. Therefore, I need to give birth, and let Misha leave me alone. He doesn't need this onechild , but we need him.

We broke up. Misha forgot me, didn’t show up, didn’t look for meetings. He simply disappeared, as if he had never existed at all.

My parents loved their grandson very much and helped me in everything. The child grew up in love and affection. When the baby was 4 years old, I met a very nice man. I told him everything about myself, my son, Misha. We got married. He adopted my child, we haddaughter . It was a good fulla family in which we lived for 19 years. But then grief came to the family:the husband became seriously ill and died.

And all this time Misha was engaged in his business and was very successful in it, becoming a wealthy man. And also got married. For a long time he did not have children. Hismy wife went to Israel for treatment and finally became pregnant. But one day she fell, tripping on the stairs. There was an operation, and she lost the child. After the operation, doctors said that she would never have children. I truly feel sorry for this woman. But Misha behaved unworthily: he divorced her, saying that he did not want to live with a woman who could notgive a birth to a baby.

And then Misha remembered that he hadson . Moreover, he is an adult who managed to graduate from college. My son had my last namehusband , we never told him who his realfather . But the world is not without good people. Misha found his son and said that he was the heir to his big business. And our family lived much more modestly. He also said that he wants his son to work with him, delve into the intricacies of the work, because he will get it all.

Our son gave us a terrible scandal. He was outraged that they hid who his real father was. I tried to tell him how his own father demanded that I have an abortion, how he abandoned me when I was pregnant. The son did not want to listen to anything. He was attracted to Misha’s business,money , the prospect of working with him and being his heir. It all ended with the son leaving home to live with his biological father. I felt betrayed for the second time. And by whom? The closest person.

Our son doesn’t communicate with us, but Misha is celebrating his victory. This is my sad story from life.

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