She offered her stepfather a nursing home, but he was offended

She offered her stepfather a nursing home, but he was offended
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm between two fires. On the one hand, I am a single mother with a small daughter. She needs goodupbringing , a huge amount of attention and childhood. On the other hand, I have an old stepfather, who is 84 years old and lives in a rickety house in the village.

I don't remember my real father. Only sometimes I vaguely remember thatThe young mother was always sad and tense. Dad drank heavily and beat mom. I learned this already as an adult girl. Why not earlier? When I was 8 years old and my older brother was 12,father left home. He didn't take anything with him, he just disappeared.

Two years later, my mother met another man and loved him with all her heart. I remember him, a stranger, with a mustache and wide pants made of thick fabric. At first, my brother and I treated this man very cautiously, even hostilely, and it’s understandable why. However, as it turned out later, Uncle Yura was not a bad person.

Since his mother truly loved him, and he, in turn, loved her, there is no need to say that silence finally reigned in the house. Adults, working people, came only in the evening from work and did household chores. Uncle Yura loved hiking and often went with his brother into the forest and into nature. He taught him many of the wisdoms of the young tourist, gave him a knife and a brand new compass.

Thus, everyone fell in love with Uncle Yura. But for some reason I couldn’t. Perhaps because I was not interested in going anywhere. Or perhaps, due to my age, I simply did not want change. Everyone saw this, but were silent. After some time, my brother was drafted into the army, and then he went abroad forever. Now I have three nieces with whom we often communicate via the Internet. Their dad has settled down well and can afford a lot.

And now about the sad thing. When my mother passed away, I lived in another city. He and his stepfather moved to the village and started a farm. Her departure was a heavy blow for Uncle Yura, and since then he could not get out of bed. Thanks to the neighbors: they bought him everything he needed, even though themselves were in their seventies. And thanks to my brother, because he sent this to themmoney .

I recently visited him. What can I say, darkness and horror. The house is rickety, but the room itself is clean. Another thank you to the neighbors. Uncle Yura doesn’t get up, but at least nothing hurts. He saw me, barely holding back tears, and hugged me. And then he started asking to live with me. And this is already too much for me. Understand, I’m also a good person. I want him to be comfortable. But in my apartmentdaughter , I'm working. In addition, I am also interested in men, I obviously don’t take them into the house, but I simply cannot spend all my free time on a bedridden man, even if not a complete stranger. There is alsoa brother who understands everything and is ready to take his stepfather, but doctors do not allow him to take long flights.

Well, now the most important thing: we proposed a nursing home. Hearing this, Uncle Yura just burst into tears and flatly refused to continue the conversation. This option does not suit him. So it’s either for me or not at all.

I don't know what to say, I'm confused. Now I could use some good advice to help me understand this difficult situation.

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