Having come to visit, my mother gave me a grandiose check and audit.

Having come to visit, my mother gave me a grandiose check and audit.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom is one of those super women who can not only slow down a zealous horse at full speed and enter a burning hut without a fire helmet, but also combine the features of a businesswoman and a Stanford wife. She has enough time and energy to lead a team, dress to the nines, prepare a variety of delicacies and keep her apartment in perfect order. And she's perfect toomother .

For some time now I have been renting a separate apartment. I decided to invite my mother to visit. I thought we would have a great time with her, talk about this and that while eating tasty treats, and watch movies. At the same time, she will see how I live now. In a word, we will have a pleasant time like two adults. I prepared treats, cleaned the house, and selected movies to suit her tastes. Well, needless to say, I was naive. As a result, my mother arranged a grandiose check.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, she declared that the order in the apartment was in good order. Over tea she preferred to give usefulimage tips . Or to be more precise, she walked over my appearance with an armored personnel carrier. I found out that I have terrible skin, teeth, bad manicure, stupid hairstyle, terrible hair color, bad clothes, poor jewelry.

After tea, she began to carefully check every corner, then washed all the dishes anew, and took up the mop and broom. She complained that I didn’t have a vacuum cleaner with a water filter (yes, my mom is tech-savvy and advanced). She didn’t want to watch films, she said that she was the kind of person who simply couldn’t sit idle. She ended up causing me a lot of domestic harm. I've used up all the cleaning solution. The dishes will have to be washed in a third round, since they did not completely wash off the cleaning agent. I threw out my reusable gloves and almost new rag. Now we need to look again for items useful in the household, since she put them where she saw fit.

After this visit there was some persistentdisappointment . I thought I would spend time with my best friend, but here it is like in the movie about the knight “You were weighed, assessed and found unfit.” And to be honest, I was expecting a little praise, approval and support. I hoped she would be happy for me. Somehow I completely lost the desire to invite her test-antibiotic.com to visit again. What's weirdest:the apartment was really polished to a shine before her arrival. I noted above that she keeps her house perfectly clean. That was the irony. In fact, she doesn’t have enough time to put her home in perfect order; she often has very dirty floors and a general mess. I don’t know, it feels like the person closest to me in this world simply decided to assert himself at my expense.

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