Confessed to her husband that she fell in love with a work colleague

Confessed to her husband that she fell in love with a work colleague
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 32 years old. But I look young. Now for some reason I look more beautiful than in my youth. Previously, the guys couldn't look at me, and I hadproblems with the opposite sex. But how did it come out?got married and gave birth, lost weight. I began to attract a lot of men and constantly catch their glances.

I understand that to some extent I like my appearance. And I like the figure, now I really like myself. I am tormented by the fact that I will dress, emphasizing my figure, and then I feel awkward and if I dress simpler, it will be easier for me. But these views are like a drug. These are apparently hormones (I’m still waiting for when I’ll finally get rid of them and think more about something else).

This narcissism ended with him falling in love with me at work.guy , 4 years younger than me. Seeing these looks of his, how he looked at me, admired me and how he singled me out, I realized that the man fell in love with me, and I began to fall in love in return. He is very handsome in appearance, but there is a nuance that confused me - his bald head. It's funny to read now, but when you fall in love, the feeling itself is so terrible (when youmarried , youchild ), and here it is on you! I had so many plans with my husband, and then I realized that I didn’t really love him. I told him this even before the incident with falling in love. One year ago I told him: “I don’t love you (I’m on the same terms with him), and everything will come to the point that one day I will fall in love with another person.”

And so it happened. I fell in love. At first there was panic because I started to be jealous of him and I was in a storm (I wanted to communicate with him so much), and I remember how I was sobbing from pain inside, and everything was burning from fear, misunderstanding and feelings of sincere feelings for him. I call my best friend, try to tell her through tears, tell her like it is, that I fell in love with an employee at work, that I had so many plans with my husband and why do I need this?

Every time I asked myself thisquestion . In general, I was in a panic, and the time came, I told my husband that I was in love with a colleague at work. And we somehow decided to diversify ourlife . Our sex is so-so. And meMy husband is really disgusting. But I respect him and don’t want to offend him. He is a very good person, but howman , at some points he simply disappointed me, and I cooled off towards him.

Everything we tried didn't help. Did not work out. He is at the computer in another room all day, and I am in the living room with the child. And so I have for almost 3 years. And he became disgusting to me and I can’t stand the smell of it (I don’t leave because of the child). I have no right to take her father away from her. Yes tothe guy at work has cooled down, because this is a temporary phenomenon. When I see him bald, I just want to run. And I can’t look at him.

Why is this happening to me? I was so happy when I got married. One of those who beat myself in the chest that I will not change, that I will love almost forever. And now I understand that you cannot say and promise something that will not last forever.

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