Problem neighbor

Problem neighbor
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's not quiteconfession , but I just want to pour out my soul.

Our neighbors are ordinary elderly people who have turned into a grandmother who has lost her mind and a screaming grandfather. We've been living like this for a year now. Grandmother in dementia, screaming all the time, as if she was being cut, then she is looking for a husband, then a mother, then some girls of her own. Her husband either yells at her at home, or the drunk is hiding somewhere. I’m still nothing, I somehow have a moral attitude towards this, like a radio, butwife andthe child does not sleep, wake up.

Their daughter lives next door. I approached a couple of times, asked, as a human being, to invite a psychiatrist to prescribe a sedative or sleeping pills in order to sleep at least at night. But the daughter saidmedicines don't help her. The smell in the entrance is periodically appropriate - she has a fecal stage.

We're just tired of it. Apartment in a mortgage, do not sell just like that. I'll go home, have dinner to the cries of my grandmother.

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