The past haunts

The past haunts
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story happened to me when I was 16 years old. I foolishly lost my innocence to a scumbag I barely knew. True, then I felt some sympathy for him ... A few days after this event, he offered to meet and picked me up with his friend, whom I did not know. Everything after that is like a nightmare. We arrived in the forest near the city where we lived, drank a little, after which, apparently, considering that I had reached the condition he needed, he began to persuade me to have sex, but I refused. He began to insist. Then his friend came over, and I realized that everything was planned. It's hard enough for me to write this. In general, they began to threaten that if I refused, they would let me “handle” the company, supposedly waiting for them at the hotel. I refused until my "boyfriend" started the car to take me to his friends.

I replayed this horror in my head many times and thought, maybe I still had a choice? did not dare to tell anyone. And after some time, he was imprisoned for 8 years for gang rape, with some unfortunate one he brought everything to the end ...

18 years have passed since then. I got two higher educations, I have a wonderful job,husband and wonderful children. Outwardly, I look confident enough, but, of course, no one knows that I carry this story through life like a stone that does not allow me to straighten up. Someone will say that she herself is to blame, but I myself live with this feeling of guiltevery day . Sometimes I look at my children and think that they deserve a normalmother but not me.

And this freak got out of prison, started a family and imagine (!) Works in the authorities. Sothe question is , let me be to blame for my juvenile stupidity, but who is he ?! Lord God to punish me and break my life?

Today in the morning I again dreamed about this story. I woke up terrified and with a feeling of endless helplessness. I can't do that anymore. Will I ever forget it?

Read together with it: