Forgiving betrayal does not mean forgetting it

Forgiving betrayal does not mean forgetting it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In the story about his wife's betrayal, everyone claims thatThe husband is a wuss and not a man at all. Before my eyes is the example of my father.

Thirty years ago, when I went to school for the first bell, my dad and grandparents brought me. I haven’t seen my mother for almost two months; she went on vacation to a sanatorium in Mineralnye Vody and never returned. They told me that she was seriously ill and was being treated there at the local hospital.

Before the New Year, I lived all the time with my grandparents,My father was making a career at the time and couldn’t take care of me. By New Year a miracle happened, andMom returned, but until the eighth grade I lived with my grandparents, and then my father took me in with him.

Immediately after graduating from school, when I entered college, my parents told me the whole truth. The mother then started spinning on vacationnovel , fell in love with a vacationer, and decided to exchange Moscow for a small Ural town, according to the principle of being with a sweetheart and paradise in a hut. But it didn’t work out; my dear friend never decided to leave his family with with two children. Mom returned after experiencing terrible stress. But the trials for my father were not over yet. Then he's youngguy , captain of justiceevery day when I came to work and found surprises on my desk: either a doormat, souvenir antlers, etc. innocent jokes from colleagues who can always sympathize with their neighbors.

At some point he decided to get a divorce, thanks to my grandfather that he could persuade him not to break himselflife . It was a different country back then, and an entry on the divorce form was equivalent to a criminal record, an end to one’s career. That's how they livemother and father have been together for thirty years. They never had any more children besides me; they live in different rooms, even in the apartment they try not to overlap. My father made a career, chief justice, member of the board of the central apparatus of one of the law enforcement agencies.

Recently, my mother admitted to my wife that in thirty years she had no one else, and her father never even looked in her direction. I saw them together at the table only once, at my wedding. Therefore, I would like to say in that saving a family does not mean savingrelationship . And from my experience I can add that a doormat husband can turn into a granite block in a few years. Revenge is a dish that should be served cold!

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