Friday the 13th is the best day of my life

Friday the 13th is the best day of my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have many things in my life connected with the number 13. As a child, I thought, believed, had obsessive thoughts that this number was unlucky. But I have the opposite.

I'll start by saying that my mom's birthday is the 13th. I consider this already my happiness, to some extent.

There was a remarkable event in my life: on Friday the 13th, I met a man who made me lose my head. I lived with him for a year and a half - I had happy moments with him, but it was not destiny for us to stay together.

Then I met my husband on October 13, and then two years later I gave birth to a daughter, also on October 13. Mystery or coincidence?

But at my 33 years old, I understand that a lot is connected with this number. It was very bad in 2013, I lost many, it was especially hard to lose my own younger brother in an accident.

This number (threes) seems to be chasing me. Here I am 33, and I have done so many things in a year ... They say there is a crisis, I don’t know what it is, but there were stupid things. But I got it right in time.

It's just that wanted to talk. I wrote a lot of stories about my life here, which no one knows from real friends.

Good luck everyone, thanks for reading!