For the sake of my son, I forgave my wife for something that is simply impossible to forgive

For the sake of my son, I forgave my wife for something that is simply impossible to forgive
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know that many will now judge me and throw insults at me, but I am doing this not for myself, but for the sake of my son.

I met my wife seven years ago, dated for six months, and then got married, even got married. Was bornson . For four and a half years, after the birth of our son, we were an ideal family, all this time she was a good wife, an excellent mother. My wife became at first withdrawn, then irritable, too demanding; she didn’t like everything: either I earn little, or I pay little attention to her and the child, although I only lived for the sake of my family. Her character deteriorated every day. But I couldn’t even imagine that she could have someone, although they told me that they saw her with some man in a restaurant, but I didn’t attach any importance to it.

I will never forget that day. We returned with our son from the dacha and did not find her at home, nor her things, nor her documents. Those savings that we put aside to renovate the apartment also disappeared. I left a letter admitting that all test-antibiotic.comlife she loved another person, but she married meget married just to get himforget . And now, after so many years, he found her and now she wants to be with him. She thanked for all the years of life spent together, askedforgive her, don’t look for her and forget her as soon as possible. She also asked to take care of our son, and promised that as soon as circumstances allowed, she would definitely take him. How to explain her disappearance to him, she asked him to come up with something, maybe someday he would be able to understand and forgive her, like me.

For me at that moment the world simply turned upside down. I felt like a puppy thrown out onto the street. But most of all my soul ached for my son. He was very attached to his mother, loved her very much, and the fact that she abandoned us could completely break the child’s psyche. I had to lie thatMom went to Africa to treat sick children, and as soon as she cures everyone, she will definitely return. Why doesn’t she call and write that it’s Africa, the jungle, there are no phones, no mail, but when the opportunity arises, she will write to It was very difficult to combine work andraising a child, whenever possible cousinhis sister could pick him up from kindergarten and sit with him. But it was clear that the son really lacked his mother’s warmth and care, heevery day he asked where mom was, how mom was doing, and drew pictures for mom.

It’s clear that I couldn’t pay enough attention to my son because of work. Most part of timeThe child was left to his own devices; he simply couldn’t bear to send him to a boarding school. I couldn’t bring another woman into the house and start building a personal life either. Firstly, there was no time - work, home, son. Secondly, single fathers are not particularly in demand on the so-called “marriage market”. Thirdly, I would not be able to explain to my son why, while my mother was treating sick African children, I took on another woman and in my son’s eyes I would look like a traitor, not her.

I also had to buy two gifts for the holidays, one from myself and supposedly from my mother. I asked my friend to write postcards and letters on her behalf, that she loves, misses, that they will definitely meet soon. For a year and a half there was no news from my wife, I continued to lie to my son, although I myself did not know whether she was even alive or not. I saved up some money and bought my son and I a ticket, a tour of the Golden Ring. He really enjoyed this trip and it even began to seem to me that my son was slowly coming to his senses.

And so in one of the cities we entered a beautiful temple, and when we went out into the courtyard, my son froze in his tracks and began to look somewhere. I began to hurry him up, and he shouted at the top of his lungs: “Mom!” In one of the novices of this temple, working on the landscaping of the site, I caught familiar features. Yes it was minewife ​She stood and looked at us for some time, and then began to cry, covered her face with her hands and disappeared.

I told my son what he imagined, took him to the hotel, promised that I would find out everything and tell him, and I returned to the temple. First I talked to the priest, he says that four months ago a young tramp came to them. She looked pitiful, almost in rags, she identified herself, said that she had mortal sins, that she was even ready to take monastic vows.

I asked to meet with her and explained everything, although without going into details. We had to wait a long time, and finally she came out and sat down next to me. She was completely different from the wife I knew before. All her arrogance, impudence, and willfulness disappeared as if by hand. Next to me sat just a shell, devoid of any joy in life, with a trampled and tormented soul. She was broken and crushed.

At first we just sat in silence, and then she began to say that for what she had done, she had no forgiveness, that she did not deserve to be a mother, and had no right to live at all. And it wasn’t just that she abandoned us as a son, although, according to her, not a day went by that she didn’t think about us, there was something even worse. I thought it couldn’t be worse than what she did to us, but it turns out it is.

Before me, she dated a guy, was madly in love with him, he was from a local youth group of gopniks, but knew how to look after beautifully, they were even planning a wedding. And then he was imprisoned for robbery and murder. He himself asked her not to wait, he said that after serving time he would have no plans for her, but he told her this specifically so as not to ruin her life, he didn’t want her to wait. And then she met me, she didn’t care anymore. And then he left ahead of schedule and found her himself, saying that he could not forget. Feelings flared up again, she didn’t want to deceive anyone, live on two fronts, that’s why she left, even though it was hard for her to part with her son. He convinced her that her son would be a burden to them, until we get going, let him live with his father. It was only later that it became clear that he did not want to raise other people’s children, but only wanted common ones.

Now the most important thing. When she left for him, she waspregnant by me at all times. He immediately demanded an abortion. Since the term was already late, the abortion was carried out with complications, especially was done in a cheap clinic, almost criminal, they got an infection, and she can no longer have children. She had an abortion while married (we are still not officially divorced) and while married. And six months later he left her and found someone who couldgive birth to his child.

She simply could not return to her family after everything she had done. She had no right. She tried to commit suicide, but they saved her, then she spent three months in a mental hospital, walked around with a pillow, said that this was her child, then wandered, spent the night wherever she had to, ate whatever she found, and finally ended up near this temple, where she stayed.

They took her out, gave her shelter, she confessed, now her place is here. She said that she would beg the Lord until the end of her daysforgiveness for everything she has done, and will pray for my son and me. To which I answered her that she took the life of one of my children, deprived another of her mother’s love and affection, she forced me to lie to my son, but I’m not going to lie to him all my life. He said that she decided for us for everyone, and now, if my son had not seen her, I would not have even approached her, but he remembered that mother, a real good mother who treated sick children in Africa, and I will not allow you to betray your son a second time. Therefore, she now immediately packs her things, changes into secular clothes, and we go to the hotel where our son is waiting for us, and from there we will go home. She should beg forgiveness not from God, but from her son, and not through prayers, but through good deeds.

She began to protest and said that she couldn’t, to which I replied that in that case I would bring my son here, and then she herself would tell him about it. But if he finds out the truth, it will break the boy, it will simply kill him mentally, he will withdraw and become embittered. I also can’t say that I was mistaken and it wasn’t her, he saw her, and he’s already tired of living a lie, he’s only delusional that his mother will return. And if there is even a drop of humanity left in her, she immediately and immediately goes with me. I will sort everything out with my father myself.

She dutifully changed her clothes, packed her things, said goodbye to everyone in the temple, talked for a long time with the priest, and within three hours we were at the hotel where our son was waiting for us. I will not describe their meeting, the rivers of tears, emotions and everything else. Came back home. It is clear from her that she has repented. He does not leave his son, just as he does not leave her. In character, she is the complete opposite of my wife, whom I knew before she left. She is gentle, submissive, and has also become devout; she regularly attends church, prays constantly, and quotes the Bible.

Now, as for our relationship with her. She is trying in every possible way to beg my forgiveness, trying to piece together what she herself has destroyed. Of course, I don’t meet her halfway in this regard, but I don’t particularly resist either, maybe some time will pass and I will be able to forgive her, but today I made it clear to her that she returned only for the sake of her son. That's my whole story and now you can judge me.

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