broken windows

broken windows
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After another scandal, I decided to divorce my husband. I packed his things and put him out the door. The apartment belongs to my parents, so legally everything is correct.

Formermy husband , not expecting such courage from me, got angry and came back with the police to move in. It was explained to him that without registration it would not be possible to do this. Then he insisted that the district police officer accept a statement that I was infringing on his right to live with me as a wife and this showeddomestic violence . Formally, he is right: the application fordivorce filed, but we are not yet divorced. Then the nightmare began.

First he called, then he sent threatening SMS, now he follows me on the heels "to talk." And today I woke up from the sound of falling glass: at night he came and broke the windows (I live on the first floor). I called the police, but they said: “Why are you bothering us for nothing, contact the district police officer.” And our district police officer is young, still a boy, my husband told him something about me, or maybe just male solidarity, I don’t know. In, in general, this district police officer does nothing, or rather, says that it's my fault, because. I'm behaving wrong.

I'm scared: I'm afraid to leave the house, leave the apartment without windows and go to work too. I think to go to his boss, let him influence him. Or at least he will be ashamed at work that he behaves like this with his wife. My mother-in-law does not believe me, she says that her son could not do such a thing. There is no one to help me, I have no relatives or friends in this city.

The next day, the husband came to ask for forgiveness. I persuaded him to write a statement to the police that he himself broke the windows drunk out of hooliganism. He admits his guilt, said thatmoney for new windows within 3 days will bring. How strong is this note to the police? In the event of an escalation of the conflict, he will simply say that I forced him to write this and again it will turn out to be “domestic violence” on my part.

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