Can this be called innocent flirting?

Can this be called innocent flirting?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 12 years, officially married for ten of them. About 5 years ago, whenThe Internet has become a part of ourlife , myMy husband has developed a strange “hobby”: he communicates with all sorts of girls not for meetings, but “just because.” Moreover, from time to time he gets very carried away: he can write tender and intimate things to them, even confess his love. For all of them, he is single, rich and looking for his soul mate. I believe that he is not physically cheating on me (this is evident from his behavior, and he simply does not have time for this).

The problem is that itcorrespondence takes place not on networks, but on the phone. He asks for girls' phone numbers and then communicates via chat. He was registered on a dating site for a year, and then tried to register on another similar site.

I am writing all this in detail because every 3-4 months for the past 5 years I periodically catch him doing this. I know his passwords, I can go specifically to look or accidentally and see an incoming message. But the last trick threw me into a stupor: I saw synchronized photos on the Internet from his phone, there was a woman about 50 years old, in underwear and completely naked. She sent him passionate messages, postcards with declarations of love. These photos are no longer on his phone, he deleted them, but the fact remains a fact.

Now Ipregnant with our third child. All his promises that everything is about to stop remain just promises. I love him very much, I really want to save my family (otherwise he is a wonderful person), I don’t throw hysterics and try to be understanding. But I don't know how to stop this anymore. If persuasion, scandals, threats of divorce do not help, perhaps he should be treated? This itself somehow doesn’t go away for a very long time, the joke clearly went on too long and stopped being funny.

I’m very depressed morally, but I can’t force him to go to the doctors? I definitely don’t want to get a divorce, but I don’t know what to do about it.

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