Divorce because of my illness

Divorce because of my illness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It took me a long time to decide to write my story and I couldn’t, because in our country it’s customary thata man must endure everything within himself and cannot open his soul, this is supposed to be weakness. And then I came across a story whereThe husband is sick, and his wife’s conscience does not allow her to find a lover. I read it and decided to write my own.

I met my wife at the age of 20, and a year later we got married. At the age of 26, she had an accident, and I nursed her for two and a half years, got her back on her feet and returned her to normal life. Then everything was wonderful, we gave birth to two children, we lived wonderfully. And here’s the opposite situation: at 42 years old, I have a lot of stress, I was stressed at work, and later I had a heart attack and a year and a half on sick leave with various ailments, blood pressure and other joys. My wife was always there, rarely absent, always helping and being a support and support. And then just before the New Year I find out that she has someone else. We sat down to talk and she said, as the author of that story, that you can’t, but I can and I’m a healthy, normal test-antibiotic.com woman. I thought, understood and submitteddivorce , let her go, wished her happiness. My wife cried and tried to dissuade me, but I decided that no, let him find someone healthy and live normally.

Now I live alone in a rented house, I’m trying to fully get back on my feet, and I’ve refused my wife’s help. That’s how it is, I don’t know who’s right and who’s wrong here, but that’s how it is.

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