The child is destroying our family

The child is destroying our family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old, my wife is 29. Before our child was born, we had a biglove for 5 whole years!

The pregnancy was planned (how I regret it!). When he was bornbaby and it started. Screams, whims, we don’t sleep at night, nerves, my mother-in-law intervenes, starts helping, living with us. I am working (my wife is not), in our family all the finances are on me, and my wife is all about the child, plusmother-in-law's help .

We stopped having sex in the last months of pregnancy (there was a threat) and then did not recover. It’s just that the atmosphere in the house is so tense that there’s no time for intimacy at all. Our child is capricious, my wife’s and mine’s nerves are at their limit in the evening, we swear and quarrel a lot. My work also takes up a lot of time and effort (I haven’t had sex, one might say, in 4 years, 6-7 times). I started playing around, but there aren’t that many people who want to become lovers; everyone wants a serious relationship. And for this you need to be free.

From the lack of sex, I have a bunch of sores, prostatitis, decreased potency, in the gastrointestinal tract a quiet horror in general (irregular nutrition). And what’s generally bad is that I’ve always been a teetotaler, so I started dabbling in beer every day , 1-2 cans to relieve nerves. And it helps! But this may lead to alcoholism! My wife and child are starting to interest me less and less, I have nothing but negativity and worries. I spoke with my wife many times that the child should not separate us so much, that we need to pay attention to me too, and not 100% only to the child. She will never hug me, kiss me, start foreplay herself, etc. And he rejects my caresses or is completely rude. And now the moment has come when she has become completely disgusting to me! Even her voice and appearance. I think and calculate options for divorce.

Many people say that children unite families, but I personally do not agree with this. In our case, the child is a test. He is always between us! We can't even talk in private! Everything revolves only around the child. I’m still young, I’m 30, I want sex and affection, I want to wake up in the morning hugging a girl, and not because a child is jumping on your bed in the morning.

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