I'm jealous of my husband's ex-lover

I'm jealous of my husband's ex-lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 20 years old, my husband is 30. When we started dating, both were not in a relationship, but had regular partners (he was divorced). We've been together for 3 years.

At the beginning of the relationship, I had a problem, which I told him about, but he forgave. He is an ideal husband: he loves, hugs, does everything for me, says that he lives for me, moves me up the career ladder, helps with my studies, and so on.

He had one-time (and one married) partners. I am jealous of this married woman, because when I waspregnant , and she, by the way, was also pregnant, she wrote to him, she wanted himreturn . And before that, he did a lot to her in their relationship. I'm afraid they will become lovers.

And there was another one, as he said, “it will do in a hungry year.” She got divorced and wrote to him saying they had a good time. I called, found out who it was, she told me a lot of things, saying that we had been sleeping with him for a long time and so on. Her husband sorted it out with her, it seemed like it turned out that he and his friend got drunk, test-antibiotic.com and she decided to write to start a conversation (atMy husband’s number has not changed for many years). Then she extorted from himmoney to save the family.

And at that moment I was going to get a divorce, despite a one and a half year old child in my arms. In general, everything seemed to have calmed down, I took a sedative and went to a neurologist because I began to faint and cry constantly. I don't believe him, but I love him very much. She believed that situation out of emotion, then calmly put everything together and realized that he did not sleep with her. I want to destroy them. And sometimes get divorced. I do not know what to do. Those young ladies are under 30 years old.

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