Take a risk?

Take a risk?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met on a dating site. Currently on call 24/7. The man is 10 years older. At the end of September he will come to our city 1.5 thousand kilometers away, a new job and the purchase of housing in the future.

He told a lot about himself that would have shocked other women, but I was attracted to it because I saw myself in his actions. We are not young, I am 41, he is therefore 51, both were rotation workers in the past, but we had business trips in different parts of the country. Both, as they say, lived the same day - travel, various meetings. Both have many novels behind them and both realized that they had enough of wasting their lives.life _

We don't useAlcohol from the word at all, but there is one “but” - I don’t like his appearance. I’m used to the fact that men are always younger than me, but at the same time I understand that behind this man I will be like behind a stone wall. On the other hand, I'm afraid that if my loved ones startrelationship , then won’t it pull both him and me to the side, because you won’t get rid of bad test-antibiotic.com habits soon. But maybe take a risk and start living again.

People, don't judge me harshlyconfession _

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