The parents bought a car but did not register it in their name

The parents bought a car but did not register it in their name
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents bought a car last year, but didn't transfer it to their name. In short, after they gave it awaymoney (not a small amount) the owner of the car, according to the documents, takescredit and puts this car as collateral. My parents only have a power of attorney for it. I know that it should have been re-registered immediately, and I told them so. And the worst thing is that my father is very ill, he has a weak heart, I am very afraid for him, since he had a microstroke earlier.

This guy's parents initially said they would give all the money back, but now they don't want to. And this young man went abroad and, according to his mother, he has been doing this for a long time (cheating people, sometimes cheating someone with phones). In general, my parents are not the first to suffer from him.

My father's sister has good connections and she took on this case. I ask you, maybe someone knows what to do in this situation? My parents wanted to go abroad and the car was seized at customs, because thatthe guy didn't pay the loan, and it turns out that my parents, who have nothing to do with it, should lose their car? This situation is very hard.

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