My husband's parents kicked me out of the apartment

My husband's parents kicked me out of the apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I divorced four years ago, and after the divorce, I and my two children lived with his parents all this time. The husband left for another woman and he already has something in common with herchild .

Immediately after the divorce, he refused to pay alimony, citing the fact that I lived in his apartment. He constantly came and demanded that I write a refusal. At first, his parents did not interfere in our disputes, but when he had a child in that family, they began to support their son regarding child support. But how can I refuse this money if I have two daughters - seven and ten years old? I already support them and myself with one salary, pay my share of utilities and buyfood for the whole family, which is what I pay for such housing.

But recently my mother-in-law gave me an ultimatum that if I do not write a waiver of alimony, I will look for another place to live. I refused and now they simply kicked me and the children out of the apartment. With my income, I was able to rent a room in a communal apartment, so my mother-in-law allowed the children to return to them, but without me. So now we live with children in different places. They miss me too, I cryevery day , but I don’t know what to do. JuniorMy daughter asked me over the phone to buy them a puppy so that they wouldn’t be so lonely, I bought it, and now my mother-in-law is threatening to throw him out onto the street, since no one wants to clean up after him. This is additional stress for the children, even though they promised to take care of the puppy, but they are at school half the day!

What makes the situation even worse is that the exThe husband decided to move his family back to his parents and rent out his wife’s apartment. I can’t visit my children, I only see them in the morning when they go to school, but this can’t last forever? I want to live with my children, but I understand that they will be better off there than with me in a rented apartment. I’m already thinking that maybe it was necessary to refuse these alimony payments, especially sinceThe money is small, but now it’s too late.

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