My parents don't want to understand or support me

My parents don't want to understand or support me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm a teenager (14 years old) maybe mineproblems may seem funny, but now it is important to me.

I study normally, one might even say well. I love my parents, but what's the problem? I, like my parents, am very quick-tempered; when something doesn’t work out for me, I cry and get angry (most often because of grades). Recently, I made a project, but it was not saved, sobbing, I came to my parents and told about what happened. My father immediately started yelling at me and calling me names, and later she cameMom also started screaming. A bunch of insults were immediately thrown at me, and a slipper flew at me. Dad was offended by me and even stopped talking.

OurThe family used to be friendly, but now we have continuous insults, and I remain the guilty party. No matter what happens, they start lashing out at me on any occasion. This is becoming more and more common. It’s difficult for me to live in this house; sometimes after quarrels I really want to leave the house. Also, sometimes my legs and arms tremble, and at night I wake up all the time (I lie on the floor dozing, turn over, wake up, and so on almost the whole night). I don't blame them in any way, I just want to know how to communicate with them?

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