My parents are to blame for my leaving home.

My parents are to blame for my leaving home.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago, I decided to leave home. All this time I'm hanging around with my friends. I live with them as long as they allow, and then move on to new acquaintances. And so constantly. I have my own house, but I can't be there. The reason for this is my parents. The fact is that they quarrel very often, and I cannot be in such an environment. I never liked the atmosphere in our family, and at the first opportunity I ran away.

My parents are the most ordinary people. Both work and have been married for many years. I can't say that we have a dysfunctionalfamily . Parents do not abuse alcohol, ordinary and respected people. But over the years of family life, many disagreements arose between them, and all of them, over time, began to develop into quarrels. At first, it was ordinary conversations in raised tones in the kitchen. But the further, the worse. In recent years, disagreements arose from nothing, and quarrels arose from scratch.

The reason could be anything, any household trifle. The mother constantly “sawed” the father,, that he did not help her around the house, he lay on the couch all the time. He always refused to help in any way. He said that this was a woman's work, and he was not going to do it. And he did the "male" work very reluctantly. Before doing something, the father had to be reminded a thousand times. In addition, my father liked to have a couple of drinks with friends on the weekends. On this basis, conflicts arose most often. When my father drank, he also attacked. Might start scoldingmother for poorly prepared food or an uncleaned apartment. The same, at one time, was never silent in response. So they quarreled, almostevery day . Small disagreements grew into big scandals.

Over the years of my life, I have experienced hundreds of such quarrels. To be honest, sometimes I didn't want to come home after school. I knew what was waiting for me there. When I grew up a little, I decided that I would definitely leave home someday. I'm so tired of all this. It was hard for me to be at home, the conflict of my parents very often switched to me. I got caught in a "hot hand" and could be punished for any little thing. I don't know if this is the case in other families as well. But I decided that I would leave home, it would be easier for me that way.

When I finished school, I packed my things and left. She just left the house and went nowhere. The first time I lived with my girlfriend. When my stay with her became no longer possible, I went to other acquaintances. And so this whole year. I know my parents were looking for me. I have not cut off contact with them and sometimes I call them. But I don't intend to return. I can't be in the same apartment with people who constantly swear. I feel safer and more comfortable living on the street than in my own house.

Will my parents understand that I left because of them? Will they be able to stop quarrels for me? Maybe we should put a condition on them, if they stop swearing, then I will return?

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