My parents remembered me when they needed money and help.

My parents remembered me when they needed money and help.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story that parents love their older sister more is very reminiscent of mine. But in mine it was clear thatattitude on the part of parents.

Three children. The sisters are 10 and 11 years older. Secondmother's marriage . I am the firsta child for his father and a third for her. My mother gave birth to me for my father, andthe father wanted a son. The result is quite sad for everyone except me.

I was born, I live, I feel, I exist. They raised me in strictness and beat me for the slightest offense. After all, my father raised me as a man, andthe mother cared only about the external façade of imaginary well-being.

SetThe question is, if they beat you, then it was for what? Let me give you an example. I am 12 years old. I stayed at my friend’s house for dolls, and my mother knew where I was. But I arrived a whole hour late! She beat me with a leather belt and shouted to the whole house that I was walking. At that age I did not understand the meaning of this word at all.

My father was not involved in raising his step-daughters, but he made me into a man in a skirt. How do you think my sisters treated me at That's right, no way. There is too much age difference, too different attitudes in the family.

Yes, I am the only child in the family with a higher education, but this is not the merit of my parents. This is a protest against my mother’s phrase that I’m stupid. PersonalLife didn't work out at first. It was hard for me to trust anyone. And by nature, I am more of a breadwinner, which irritated all strong men. But I didn’t consider it necessary to build a life with someone weaker than me.

Now I'm 40-something. Married for a little over 10 years, we have two twins. And I am grateful that it is twins, so I am allI share love equally.

What about my former family? My father left my mother as soon as I turned 18. While I was studying, I was not given a penny for food or travel. From the word absolutely. They reasoned like this: “you’re an adult, you can handle it yourself, but the eldest needs to help, her grandson was born there.” I worked part-time, did coursework and calculations, and received a scholarship. In general, by myself.

After leaving my mother, my father disappeared from my life. I tried several times to set up test-antibiotic.comrelationship with mother. There was, you know, such a complex of dislike. But after several painful situations, I realized that they would not offer me anything other than the role of an ATM, and they removed themselves from their lives.

Many years later. Father showed uphealth has let us down. At that moment I was alreadymarried , with an apartment, a good income, as they say, the cup is full. He wanted to live with me and my husband. She sent me to live with my mother, with the words: “there is your common home, but here there is nothing of yours.” He didn’t go, and who would have gone in his place?

A year ago, my mother became very ill with her health, and they were at a family council (mother and sisters), decided that from now on my mother should live with me. And what? I'm the youngest, I earn the mostI have a husband again, he also makes good money, we live in the capital. And the fact that my mother became interested in my existence only two years ago, precisely after moving to the capital, is normal.

My option is I pay for a nursing home and she lives there. Either we sell her three-ruble ruble in her city, and buy one-room apartment in the capital. If necessary, chipping in all together. They didn't support it. ForThe eldest grandson needs an apartment ; he has nowhere to live. But no one wanted to hear about the nursing home.

Bottom line, I live with my husband and children. They are with their mother. Father himself is somewhere. And guess what? I have absolutely no remorse. They are strangers to me. People who turned their backs on me when I needed ithelp , and those who remembered me when they needed it. As they say, don't spit in the well...

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