Native people

Native people
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 35 years old, noI am married , I work and rent a house. This takes half of my earnings, so I can’t even dream of saving for my own apartment.

There are three children in our family. My father died early, I, as the eldest, helped my mother raise my brothers. Then she went to study in the capital, lived in a hostel, and her brothers stayed to live with their mother. One is already married, and the younger one brought the girl to his place.

While I was aliveMom , there was no talk about dividing the apartment, but now I want to sell it and divide it among everyone. For this amount I could afford a mortgage for at least a one-room apartment in the suburbs. But both brothers, especially the younger one, are categorically against it. The eldest lives in his wife’s apartment and is happy with everything, but the youngest said that if I have nowhere to live, then I can return to my parents’ apartment!

I did not expect such an answer from him, because he knows very well that I will not move from the capital, where I have a job. Apparently that's what he's counting on. I contacted a lawyer and heard that this was a long and difficult process. The lawyer I consulted with said that it would be easier for me to rent out my part of the apartment and get at least something. And I even lost hope of getting my share in my parents’ apartment.

I can’t understand how the closest people can do this? I still have stress from communicating with my brother. I hope that everything in this life comes back - both evil and good.

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