Relatives are against me reconciling with my ex-husband

Relatives are against me reconciling with my ex-husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 24, my son is 2 years old. My husband and I divorced 7 months ago. The divorce happened quickly and unexpectedly for me - I didn’t even have time to gasp. Both are to blame, but what now... I still love him and need him, but our parents are absolutely against our reconciliation. There are many ways out of this situation, but no one wants to take the first step and take responsibility for a possible failure. I don’t know what he’s thinking about there, even if he doesn’t think about me at all, but he was with his sonmy husband is definitely not indifferent.

I want to get everything right, but I’m scared that if we don’t succeed and someone finds out about it, then accusations and reproaches from relatives will begin again. I don’t even care what my husband says or how he reacts if I write to him first after such a long time, but I don’t give a damn what my family thinks. They hate him, I can’t make him even a little better in their eyes. I don’t know what will happen if they find out that I wrote to after all the scandals. I can't help but listen to them, because... I depend on them, not only financially, but also morally. Because of the child, I cannot get involved in adventures with moving to another city, looking for a new job, a new man, etc.

On the other hand, they have all their relatives nearby, children, husband,wife , should I be alone? It’s easy to speak and prohibit; it’s easy to be correct and proud from a distance, when it doesn’t concern you personally. Do I really not have the right to forgive the one I love, especially the father of my child? Is it really possible that no one can make mistakes and everyone is so correct and nice? Is it really impossible to change everything and start over, at least try to do it? I havechild , the consequences of my decision also apply to him, I have to make decisions for him too, but I am afraid and doubtful about doing this.

No one listens to my arguments, everyone thinks that I am a frightened fool in love, and they know better what I should do. Now I’m afraid to write to my husband, I’m afraid that my relatives will find out, that I’m ready for himforgive , and I will be even worse than it was. I'm tired of waiting, I don't want tosuffer and be tormented by ignorance every day . It’s better to find out everything once and for all than to suffer every day in doubt and ignorance. The risk is big and that’s why I don’t dare do anything.

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