I have a normal relationship with my husband's daughter, but I can't love her

I have a normal relationship with my husband's daughter, but I can't love her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband haschild from an ex-girlfriend. They broke up before they knew aboutpregnancy , then agreed for the sake of the child, but the matter was not crowned with success. Before the wedding, this person called my future husband, threatened to do something to herself, said that she would come right away. It's night outside, we live 300 km away. from her, so she is also married. In general, since then I can not stand it.

My husband's daughter is seven years old. We are normal with her.relationship . I take care of her, I work out, I think of leisure, but to love ... No, I love only my child. It happens when we take her to visit us, she does not talk, but after a couple of hours or the next day she does not come off me. For a long time she did not love our joint child (son 3 years old) and was very jealous, but now she is already playing with him.

In this situation, my mother-in-law annoys me the most. It is noticeable that she loves her granddaughter more than her grandson. And when it comes to education, there are many disagreements. How to deal with a girl, test-antibiotic.com, I immediately, and as I said that it’s too late to go to first grade at 8 years old, I immediately answered: “You have a son, so decide, even at 5 years old goes to school." It's a shame.

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