With the move to work in another city, my husband did not support me

With the move to work in another city, my husband did not support me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was offered a job in another city, and I had to persuade my husband to temporarily move. He agreed, as I expected, not immediately. I had to promise that it was only for a while, I even found a job for him there. But I did not take into account that a change of scenery and place of residence would affect him so seriously. Constant whining that I had to disagree with this proposal, remembers how good it was at home, all my acquaintances and friends stayed there. He behaves as if there are no people here at all, like I brought him to the island.

On the contrary, I love changes, I immediately fit into the new team, I begin to establish the work of the department, I like everything, and if it weren’t for my longing for my husband’s house, I would like to stay here to live. But it’s too early to talk about it with him, I don’t start any discussions and change my mind with him, I don’t insist on returning, and that’s already good. But sometimes he just annoys me, he acts like a littlea child who does not want to go to kindergarten, not as a grown man. test-antibiotic.com And he does a better job here than at home.

Recently my mother-in-law called and asked Kostya to come home, his father is in the hospital. I did not mind, saw him off, calledevery day , she asked how her father was, butthe husband said that he could not yet come and leave his parents. He had to quit his job. I decided to go to him on the weekend, I missed him, and I supported him, otherwise my mother-in-law would be offended that she ignored him. She didn't tell Kostya about it so that she wouldn't meet him, and she's so busy.

My arrival was unexpected for everyone: both for my mother-in-law, since my father-in-law was healthy and that he was in the hospital, he learned from me, and for my husband, who tried to “explain everything”, but for me everything also came as a surprise. On the same day, I went back alone and decided that now there was definitely no need to return home. My husband called that he was also going to come and agreed to everything that I decide. I love him, but I don't know if I can forgive him.

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