The person closest to me

The person closest to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My goal was originallyfamily . Which one, I didn’t really understandI’m a plain girl , I didn’t enjoy success with guys, so at the age of 18, the first person who paid attention to me became my husband. I gave birth to himdaughter . For 2.5 years of marriage with this man, I had no joy, his frequent absence from home at night, drunken and late returns led me to the decision that I needed to find someone more serious.

I got divorced and started looking. I was looking for specific characteristics: she works and doesn’t drink (or drinks little), well, she also wanted normal sex. Found it. Unmarried and without children, he even seems to accept my daughter, as it turned out at first glance, in fact he is a mentally ill person, in general, he ran away without looking back, I and my child went through a lot of things, I even started to stutter. I erased it from my life like a bad dream. I continued my search. Another findLove ,pregnancy , miscarriage andbetrayal . Well, I thought, enough is enough. I will live with my daughter, she is already 7 years old. But love is such a thing, it strived for everythingreturn andforgive the traitor.

So I found a way out so that he would not return to me. I decided that I would go and meet with anyone for a couple of weeks so that my ex would find out and not call me back (I’ll cover up temporarily, so to speak). I met someone who was not my type at all, the complete opposite of someone I passionately loved and wanted to erase from their lives. This was difficult for me, the new boyfriend was not persistent, not passionate, too attentive and caring, which was terribly annoying. But I held on as best I could, going on a date like going to work, because I had to. The main thing is not to get back together with your ex, because I have no right to forgive him for his betrayal. At some point, my new boyfriend stopped annoying me, and then even began to please me with his actions, sense of humor, and turned out to be not at all clingy, so to speak, he also had to be processed in order for intimacy to come. Histhe son from my first marriage (lived with him) showed feelings of motherhood in me, but I looked closer at them, at the child and his father, and realized that I don’t even remember my ex. After 2 weeks, he transferred me to live with him, another year later we registeredrelationship is official.

Now 10 years have passed, our children are 16 and 18 years old. They didn’t give birth to common ones, because these were in the 1st or 2nd grade, and I myself studied at evening classes.honey _ school. They wouldn't have pulled another child. To say I love my husband is not the right word, I adore him. This is the best thing I've ever had in my life. I won’t say that this can be compared with other feelings that I have experienced before, passion in our family is in third place, in second place is loyalty, tenderness and dedication, and in first place I don’t know what to call this feeling. He is my dear person. And I’m with him even to the ends of the earth.

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