Strange dream about father

Strange dream about father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

First, a little background. My dad died 8 years ago from a heart attack. Mom remained alone for many years. She raised my brother and I to our feet, and now we are independent adults. I'm 25 years old, I have a charmingmy daughter is 7 years old, my brother is 20, he is getting married soon. As fate would have it, we all live together in the two-room apartment in which my brother and I were born.

And recentlyMom met a man and, it seems to me, fell in love with him. I started smiling a lot, glowing with happiness, one might say, fluttering. We haven't seen her like this for a long time. And that’s why my brother and I are very happy for her, she’s not alone now. But the other day I dreamedstrange dream, I can’t explain it. I will describe it as best I can, since I have no experience in writing stories and confessions.

I dream about my parentsapartment , but not at all what it really is, but there is a clearunderstanding that it is her. I come home, and dad is there. And at the same time, I clearly understand that he died. Complete confusionfear , creepy and sticky. Although before that I sometimes dreamed of dad, I was never afraid of him. Having mastered my fear, I asked him:

- How so? You're dead.

My fear borders on surprise. He replies that his death was actually planned by him, he named the purpose of such an act, but I did not hear him, my emotions were overwhelming (now I regret that I did not listen to what he said in his own defense). And now, eight years later, he has decided to return to us.

Next to me is my mother, who also can’t wrap her head around everything that’s happening, and you can see from her face that she’s confused. But then her confusion gives way to anger, she, breaking into a scream, says that she loves another. And he simply runs away from home, collecting his things. Dad tries to stop her, starts crying, begging her to stay, but mom is adamant in her decision and says hurtful words to him. I just feel really sorry for dad. Then failure.

And after some time the dream resumes. Dad is in the bathroom, at first I don’t see him, but I clearly know he’s there. The door is closed, but not padlocked. I come up and open the door slightly, and I see dad’s outstretched legs. For some reason, I clearly understood that dad committed suicide, and he was definitely dead. A terrible panic gripped me, to lose him again, to relive everything again. I asked my boyfriend (in the dream this is a completely unknown person to me) to see what he did to himself.

This is where I woke up. This dream is still creepy, I don’t understand how a dead person can die a second time. I don't understand what this dream means.

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