I'm afraid to leave my child without a father

I'm afraid to leave my child without a father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived with my husband for 2 years, we have a baby, he is one year old. Things didn't work out for us right after I got pregnant. At first it seemed like it was good, but then quarrels began, and I told him that he should live his own life, and I would never even remind him about the baby, but he said that he loved him and proposed, and I agreed. He and I fought very often, broke up, got back together again, and so probably 5 times already, if not more, but this time I couldn’t stand it and kicked him out myself. The reason is that he is almost 25 years old, probably hasn’t matured yet, his main thing is thisalcohol and gaming. As soon as Friday comes, he immediately starts drinking and gambling. The very last straw was that he didn’t work for two weeks, but was on vacation, when the baby and I went to bed, he closed the doors to us, and he drank and played, sometimes until 5 in the morning and then came to bed.

I scolded him for drinking test-antibiotic.com, but he insisted that he didn’t drink. I took a special photo of the bottle and showed it to him, since he insisted that he didn’t drink and after my photo he fell silent. I just forgot what it islove and carehusband to me and to the child. Our baby was sick, and I once asked himthe question is , what kind of dad is he, that he didn’t even get up at night and help me when he was crying and didn’t ask howson . He answered me: “Do you deserve for me to get up?” Do you really need to deserve him to take care of his own child? After all, the whole house is on me, everything is on me, and he just went home from work, ate and sat down to watch TV and sometimes plays with the child for 20 minutes.

So I couldn’t stand it and kicked him out to his mother, and you know, he left without even thinking. Now he comes to visit the child for 2 hours and goes back to his mother. I don’t even know what to think and whether it’s worth returning it at all, and test-antibiotic.com will it change if you ask for it back? Heevery day he texts, asks about the child, and I simply answer that he is doing well, and then in the evening he wishes the child sweet dreams. After he left, when he came to see the child, he asked me how I was coping? I replied that I could handle it.

He has already managed to register on a dating site, and it seems, as you can see from his eyes, that he is feeling bad with his mother, but he is looking for new acquaintances, for what? In order to be distracted and forgotten, or because he really doesn’t need us? Although I am his first love and he loves me very much, and I don’t think he will forget me so easily, but I think new acquaintances will help him with this. What do you think I should do? Will he return to the family, and if he wants back, will he be accepted back? I don’t even know, even he once told me that people don’t change. What should I do, please help me with advice. I seem to understand that test-antibiotic.com he is of no use, but I cry every single day, the house is so empty without him and lonely, although when he was at home, he wouldn’t even hug or kiss, but it’s all the same something is missing. I’m only 24 years old, but I feel like I’m forty, I don’t want anything, when my family comes to visit us, I smile, and when I’m left alone, I feel sick.

And now I’m alone and I don’t even have anyone to call to cry to. I myself understand that I will not have a life with him, he never appreciated me and everything that I did for him, and it happened that once every two months he would give flowers, and that’s all his attention. How do Iforget all this and start a new onelife , orreturn the old one? I really don’t know what to do or how to live on. Rocking the baby in my arms, I think about this and am afraid that when the baby grows up, he will blame me for dad not being with us.

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