My man left his wife for me, but she is waiting for him back

My man left his wife for me, but she is waiting for him back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been two years since myDarling the man left the family. When he was going to court, I was always by his side, supporting and helping. I found a good lawyer. But his exhis wife behaved aggressively, shouted at him, threatened to take him awaydaughter and leave without money.

The trials were very difficult. When my beloved left me, she immediately changed all the locks in the apartment and took out many valuable things, so that later, in court, she could say that they were not there. She kept many receipts for the purchase of things for the house or gifts from the very wedding and argued that they should belong to her. Eventually,the trial dragged on, and my beloved decided to leave everything to her, just to stop this. The apartment had a mortgage, it was divided in half, and the car he had had to be sold and divided. We used what was left to pay off his portion of the mortgage. He transferred his share to his daughter, since we would not have been able to move into the apartment or sell part of it. Because although it is large, it is one-room.

I went through all the trials with him. We lived for a long time almost without money in my apartment. I love him very much and have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now I’m waiting for the rest of the difficulties to end, but my strength is running out. He pays child support, but does not see his daughter. The ex-wife even changed the kindergarten so thather husband could not come to her. There is a custody trial coming up. She threatens to deprive him of parental rights, threatens that she will incite the child and make him fear his father.

All this is nervous and I’m already pretty sick of it. For two years we have not been able to live in peace,problems one after another. Mutual friends say that after the divorce she became prettier, began to dress well and take care of herself. She is often seen in restaurants and with men. Of course, these are all probably rumors. But it is true that his daughter has been living with her grandmother for a month. He arrives and waits at the entrance, because they are not allowed into the apartment. Waiting to see his daughter. They curse him, shout at him, and threaten to beat him up. And all this in front of the child. The girl gets scared and cries.

I'm tired of living in constant struggle. I love him and am ready to fight for custody rights with him, I support him as best I can, but I’m afraid that it won’t end like this. His ex-wife’s entire page is full of entries and songs about how she regrets what she lost. He's bored and waiting. And he often receives anonymous declarations of love in his mail. I think she still loves him and is waiting for him to return. At the trial she just said that he could leave me and then she would think about everythingforget .

I'm afraid of losing my man, what if he decides to return to her for the sake of the child? They have lived together for so many years and have a common past. But for us it all started with problems and that’s how it goes. I want my children. And I'm trying to get pregnant from him. I have my ownapartment and work. Even if he leaves, I can support myself and raise the baby. I'm only afraid that his ex-wife's hatred will spill out on me and the child. After all, if he remains with me, they will never communicate peacefully. She also stated this herself. Although I don’t regret anything, I would like my man to forget about her completely. Forever. But I don’t know how this can be done, because they have a child together and this can’t be fixed.

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