Independence Day from you, my love

Independence Day from you, my love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today is my holiday: I collected all my things, loaded them into the car and left for a new apartment. Amy friend stayed in the old one.

Well, no, I’m not a monster, I paid for six months in advance. And then – on her own. Do as you wish, you’re smart. And hard-working, you'll think of something. And I’m a fool - I do everything wrong.

Darling, I’ve finally decided to rid you of such a klutz. Now you don’t have to worry about what to cook for me for dinner - eat your wonderful fried potatoes yourself.

Just remember, my beloved, that you need to turn it over constantly while you are frying, and not only when the smoke in the kitchen eats your eyes out. But now the need to cook dinner will not force you to tear yourself away from your favorite beauty salons and solariums - tan yourself even to the point of a dried roach!

I’m also somehow on my own with money. You have a million ideas in your head. Implement at least one. Maybe first, get a job, at least some kind of job. Yes, I heard this song: a useless waste of time, money is not even enough to pay the rent of the apartment we rented, and you will be busy all day, no one will even cook food or clean the apartment. So, I free you from this backbreaking labor obligation. I don’t need to cook, eat or clean up after me.

Thank God, I ran away from you before real difficulties came to us, when your parents would definitely have helped us. And so, for the entire five years that we were together, in some incomprehensible way we managed to survive on my salary alone. Sometimes my parents helped.

Yes, of course, I had no doubt that if hard times came, we would immediately feel the powerful financial plan of the Marshall from your ancestors. And so, without disasters, we vegetated for five years on my salary - is this really life?

What an injustice it is to relax every summer in this hole - Montenegro, when yourfriends are vacationing on the Cote d'Azur or in Spain in the Canaries.

Or maybe you should choose easier girlfriends? And in general, as people say: “stretch legs along clothes?” Well, yes, it’s all my fault, with my stupid, unprestigious, hopeless, dirty job. Is it possible to say in polite society that you havehusband (albeit a civilian) is a turner and milling machine operator.

Darling, you are free. I no longer stop you from building your happinessfuture .

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