The most precious thing I have

The most precious thing I have
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Have you ever had such a thing that as soon as you see his face, smile, eyes, it even becomes difficult for you to breathe? Inside, in my chest, everything becomes hotter and warmer. You feel his presence, you know that he is nearby. When you think about him, everything in your chest tightens and your heart beats harder and harder.

In the morning, on the school bus, you take your headphones as usual and plunge into your world - the world of your thoughts. They won't touch you there. And you're surprised how much you think about him. Obviously he's hooked you. You understand this and rejoice, you have wanted to feel the words of your girlfriends for so long. Fall in love. You didn't even know what this word meant before. It is amazing. And it's so nice.

Every day you see him. He smiles at you too. How nice it is to see his smile addressed specifically to you. Not your friends, not that strange girl walking next to you, not those cute older girls, no. Exactly for you. You smile back and awkwardly wave your hand. You notice how amazed he is at the bold step and as soon as he raised his hand, your heart almost stopped.

But your paths diverged. After all, he is in the 9th grade, you are in the 8th. Various items. And now wait 45 minutes again. Ah, school. This is where we met. I always loved my school. There are friends here, a volleyball club (I'm athletic and this is myfavorite sport), and now he too. Is this really happening to me? Thank you, God, for giving me a chance.

And after class you usually go to the gym, put your things down and run to your friends. The game has begun. Everyone is chatting, laughing, and suddenly your gaze turns to the door. He came. With friends. They smile cheerfully and have an enthusiastic conversation. You can barely stand on your feet, your knees are shaking from excitement. He's getting closer and closer. And so you play together. How wonderful this is. And comfortable. Next to him you feel safe and completely at peace. It turns out that he also played volleyball at his old school. Another incentive has arrived! Hooray!

Everything is going great. Days fly by, studying is no different, is as good as ever. You still look at each other and smile. You don't even communicate yet. Only occasionally. But today he said hello to you. Out of surprise, you didn’t have time to say anything; your friend led you forward to class. You felt a little ashamed, even though you were immensely happy.

Later, you agreed to meet. But not alone. This was all arranged by youfriend , she suggested that he go for a walk after school. He agreed. And the four of you (you and your girlfriend, who liked his friend), and the two of them went to the playground. You and your friend walked ahead, talking about your own things, looking slightly behind you and feeling very shy. They walked behind. When you reached the site, you sat on your favorite carousel. You talked a lot, had fun, exchanged views.

They are very funny guys, you have no doubt about that. But this happy day had to end. As you approached the bus, he told you: “I’m leaving tomorrow. Back to your home." He lived very far away, in Ukraine, while you lived in your native and beloved Crimea. When you heard this news, you couldn’t do anything. You just stood there and looked into his eyes, not understanding what was happening. Is this really going to happen? Can happiness really be taken away from you just like that? You took his hand without noticing it. He looked at you sadly.

- And why? — you asked, sobbing. He squeezed your hand tightly and slowly brought you towards him. His hands touched your back, he quietly inhaled the scent of your hair. Embrace. You've never had anything like this before. Tears flowed from your eyes. Both from happiness and from sadness. After all, you understand that this is the last thing you will have from him. You pushed him away slightly and lifted yourself up a little so that your faces were on the same level. He saw your reddened eyes. And you smiled. You looked into his eyes and said, “I love you.”

He blushed. He carefully grabbed your face with his palms and brought it towards him. He kissed you. Gently gently. He held you lightly and at the same time tightly, as if you were the most expensive thing he had. Then he kissed your forehead. And then gently on the nose. “How happy I am,” you thought. It's a pity thathappiness is short-lived. Having said a gentle: “We will meet again, I promise,” he turned away and waved his hand at you, smiling warmly. Remembering that smile forever, you said goodbye to him. The tears did not stop, my eyes were already hurting. This is the end. That's all. But you will wait. There's still a chance. You promised yourself that no matter what, you would wait for him.

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