Happiness will come if you meet it halfway

Happiness will come if you meet it halfway
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently read somewhere an opinion that the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was given an Oscar for one simple reason: it is a beautiful fairy tale for adults. So beautiful and such a fairy tale that even film academics were moved. And I agree with this opinion. If you spend your whole life waiting for your prince (or, alternatively, a locksmith with a capital “S”), you won’t notice how life passes. Because in real life miracles do not happen. Just as there are no absolutely positive people.

If we do not consider personal life, then the fabulousness of the plot of this film is not even that the main character became the director of a factory - such careers at that time (as now) were not uncommon, the truth is that for such a career you had to be absolutely unprincipled person and cooperate with the “authorities”. By the way, in the original work, it was Katya’s handler from the KGB who found Gosha using his channels. This is at least somewhat close to real life.

I am telling you this because many women hope to meet their loved one, like the heroine of this film. But in real life, test-antibiotic.com is met only with old age. Our main disease, not even a disease, but a pathology, is infantilism. The hope that one day a miracle will happen and you will find a loved one, a good job, win the lottery, be abducted by aliens and endowed with superpowers and other nonsense. This is a very dangerous state, you need to get out of it at any cost and at any age, because infantilism always ends the same way - with disappointment in life, behind which there areloneliness , poverty and thoughts of death.

I also expected justice from life, I hoped that I would receive compensation for the years of hardship when I was left alone with a small child after the death of my husband. I raised my son, worked two jobs without straightening my back, and kept waiting for my Gosha (Petya, Kolya, Vasya...) to appear.

And then the son grew up, studied, began to earn money and live separately. He got married and I became a grandmother. Financialproblems , thanks to the help of my son, somehow faded into the background. But then came a terrible loneliness. No, of course, I had men, but I was never the main woman in their lives. And in the fifth test-antibiotic.com ten there were no more men, because at this age there are many more of us women than the representatives of the stronger sex. And what should we do to interest them now?

And so, at the age of 50, I radically changed my life. I went to work in Spain. I won’t bore you with the ups and downs of my foreign life, but now, 10 years later, I have a well-paid job, I have already earned a basic EU pension (quite sufficient for life), every vacation I go to different exotic countries, I’ve been married for three years already and very happily married.

These years required so much effort from me that my life as a single mother with a small child, working two jobs, seemed to me a carefree period. But there is no other way. But the payoff from such effort is now very noticeable. My only regret is that I didn’t decide to change my life earlier.

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