Family life collapses because of the mother-in-law

Family life collapses because of the mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old, my husband is 27. I got pregnant, got married, and I moved to live with my husband and his parents, and later realized that I had made a mistake.

For the first six months everything was great. My mother-in-law prepared meals for me separately, cleaned, helped with the child, but later she said that she was sick and could not do it, it was hard for her. After that, all the responsibilities were transferred to me - buying food, cooking, cleaning, etc. And she did everything according to her mood, although there were no health problems as such, since it was that she scratched her finger and she could no longer cook, she went movie to watch in the room.

Accordingly, I was silent and did everything, but it turned out that I was doing it wrong, she taught me everything and poked her nose, although we were told that the house was on her husband and we were masters in it. There were cases that I quarreled with her, words slipped in my address, they say, the hostess should be alone, and the child can be brought up alone.

We don't have a separate budgetmother-in-law's money . My husband works with his dad from of his conscious age, and when I initially asked where our money is and what I can count on,my husband answered me that I could not manage the family budget because I was a spender. But before that, I worked for 4 years and provided for myself, and now my mother-in-law has all the money.

My husband worked seven days a week, and I was at home with the child. We quarreled, we could not talk at all for a week, the mother-in-law at that time smiled and did everything to please her son, even cooked for him.

As time went on, the child began to grow up, the mother-in-law began to educate him, to raise her voice, forbade taking this or that child, he was constantly hysterical, when she made a remark in response, she received that she was just talking so loudly. The husband was silent. According to the mother-in-law, the husband's friends have a bad influence on him, and if something did not go according to plan regarding work, they said that it was the husband's fault. And so we decided that we need to buy a car. But we were told that there was no money, we needed to buy a house for my husband's sister, although it was initially stipulated that we neededthe apartment is separate,, but the mother-in-law said: “you will later, your child is still small, and your sister has no children.”

And in the summer I talked with my husband that I would go with the child to the sea and my friend with the child too, since my husband has no days off at all. The next morning, waking up, I began to get ready and I needed money, I called my husband, since my mother-in-law had all the money, to which I received a question: “why didn’t I tell her that we were going.” Although she had also left before that and had not said anything about the trip to me before, I understood that it was none of my business and was silent. I replied that we discussed everything with my husband, we have a separatefamily . She complained to her husband, father-in-law and said that her son was strange,the daughter-in-law is the same, even though the daughter is normal, and she also added: “the daughter-in-law is a strange bone in her throat.”

I left, my husband didn't call for a week. Upon arrival, I had no other choice but to come with the child to my parents, and so we have been living here for six months. During this time, they once took the child to play, they don’t call, even doesn’t say hello when we meet.

After talking with my husband, we decided that we would look for an apartment, and he had a job. So we lived for two months together with my parents, but my mother-in-law needed a document, a birth certificate for her granddaughter. I answered my husband: “why didn’t she call me and say this, and you do it for her?”. Accordingly, I didn’t give it, my husband got angry and went to live with his parents, and began to work with dad again.

I'm at a loss. What to do next? I tried to talk for a week, but he does not make contact. I understand that I am sitting with a two-year-old child around my parents' neck, and this annoys me.

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