Family makes me nervous

Family makes me nervous
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a lot of problems with my state of mind. I went to a neurologist andThe doctor advised me to visit a psychologist.

I am very nervous, everything irritates me, brings me to a breakdown or to a headache. I suffer for a long time after a breakdown, I go crazy, a lump appears in my throat, after that my throat starts to hurt, my nose starts to hurt, and I get sick.

In such a state, I am driven by the fact that at home I am restless. There is a father-in-law and a mother-in-law who often saw me, there is a smallbaby and yetThe husband does not help, he is always busy with work. My husband used to walk with women, I still have a residue and all the time it seems to me that he is cheating on me again. From these thoughts we often quarrel.

I go to work all the time sleepy after my breakdowns. The neuropathologist wanted to prescribe antidepressants for me, but advised me to talk to a psychologist first.

I hope that you can help with advice, otherwise I would not write my ownconfession .

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