Six years of deception

Six years of deception
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 50wife is 11 years younger. I have known my wife for 10 years. For the first year they were just friends, then after a year of living together they got married. Born three years agodaughter _

They lived not badly, sometimes they quarreled, but quickly made up, and after the birth of their daughter, quarrels began to occur more often and more emotionally. I chalked it all up to postpartum depression and constant sleepless nights because of the baby. But over the past year, she has increasingly begun threatening divorce, secretly looking for an apartment to move from me, and changing her image (she got hair extensions, plumped up lips, and eyelash extensions). Accordingly, I had a question for her: “Have you got someone?” To which, as always, she responded with a scandal that how could I even think such a thing about her, the most honest and devoted woman in the world. But my doubts did not disappear anywhere, and I began to notice inconsistencies in her stories about the past day, in her interactions with friends, in her behavior, and every day my suspicions grew stronger.

Most of the time we communicate via video conference due to the fact that I work on a rotational basis, for two, three months in Europe, then I rest at home for a month. And on my last visit, I gave her a new phone for our wedding anniversary. She immediately started using it, she put the old one aside for now and did not clean it right away, apparently relying on the lock password, which I managed to accidentally spy. Naturally, I decided to take advantage of this. I found there an audio diary that she had been keeping for the last two years, plus an erotic story about her adventures and several more screenshots of her love correspondence. Everything I heard and read shocked me. It feels like all this was written and said by a completely different woman, and not my wife, whom I trusted 100%. There were her feelings about how much she loved him,sex , they understand each other perfectly, they have the same outlook on life and common interests. And then a few words about me, how she hates me.

On the same day I showed her all the evidence. At first she tried to get out of it, saying that she wrote down the phrases in order to later write her book and that these were just her fantasies. But when I turned on the audio for her, where she names specific names and real actions, she gave up and decided to tell everything honestly, but even in this “honest” story she managed to lie again.

It all started 6 years ago. We have a married couple, Sasha and Dasha, who are friends; they are the same age as my wife. Usually we spent all the holidays and vacations together; I began to be friends with them long before our wedding. One day, while relaxing in the bathhouse, Dasha and I decided to joke like old friends, she sat on my lap, I hugged her. My wife is a vindictive person, so she decided to take revenge on Dasha with the same coin, but only six months later. But as she says, she became very carried away and fell in love with Sasha. And from then on, as soon as I went on a business trip, and Dasha went to another city on business, they spent time together and even when we were not traveling, for example, I went with Dasha to my garage to repair it car, they managed to use this time for their pleasures. And when we all met at the same holiday, we pretended that they had daughter is very similar to me, I don’t even doubt that she’s mine), that didn’t stop them.

OnI asked why she didn’t confess everything to me and didn’t get a divorce, my wife answered that in 6 years they tried to leave their families four times, but something always got in the way. At first he didn’t want to leave, then she didn’t want to and vice versa. According to her, they have been quarreling for the last six months because Sasha decided to finally stay in the family when she had already decided todivorced me, but at the same time continued to communicate at work.

After listening to this whole story, I just wanted to get up and go somewhere far away from it all. But I still love her too much, and I love our child even more. Therefore, we decided to try to start everything with a clean slate, but it turned out to be not so easy. Although there are results, for example, she stopped blaming me for all her sins, little by little repentance comes that she did wrong. He is undergoing therapy with a psychologist to understand himself, stop loving Sasha and build new ones with me.relationship _ I see how she tries, says words of love that I haven’t heard for many years, but I just don’t trust her anymore. I want to believe, but as soon as I remember how she deceived me for 6 years in a row, all desire evaporates. Plus her statement that she will love Sasha until the end of her days, and if it’s hard for him and everyone abandons him, she will help him. She also said that she could not make a promise that this would not happen again and that she might fall in love with someone again, and that if she went back six years ago, she would not have saved the family, but would have immediately divorced. But at the same time she wants to be with me, admires my tenacity to keep my family together, and finally saw how much I love her.

What should I do, I don’t know? Or force yourself to believe her,forgive the betrayal, try to start a new lifefamily , or do what anyone would doa man in my place would dedicate his life to a child, because I won’t be ready for a new relationship in the near future, and I’m not the same age anymore. But I have no doubt that it will be easier for her to arrange her personal life. She is a slender, petite, impressive woman, looks younger than her age, who evenThey don’t sell alcohol without a passport, which men are constantly trying to meet.

I am more interested in the advice of those who experienced such a situation, and how everything turned out for them in the future?

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