I spend the money I save on cosmetologists on traveling with my son.

I spend the money I save on cosmetologists on traveling with my son.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 49 years old. I lost a good job in the spring due to coronavirus and still can’t find anything suitable. I do odd jobs and have to live in austerity mode.

I live withoutI have a husband and am raising a seventh grade son myself. The boy is growing and this year I had to buy everything new for the fall-winter. Naturally, I try to save money on myself first: I tint my hair roots myself, I also do manicures and pedicures myself, I don’t go to beauty salons, because now it costs a lot of money. Moreover, nowadays a lot of all kinds of cosmetics are sold, not like before, when I was young. I remember how we dyed our hair with henna, basma, and did the highlighting using hydroperite tablets! And they cut each other’s hair themselves and their girlfriends, and gave each other perms.

Personally, I feel sorry for all thisspend money , especially since there is no extra money. I look at the young girls, it seems they spend 90% of their budget on this. Spa, manicure, makeup... I couldn’t even think at their age about spending so much on salons. Wouldn't it be better to spend this test-antibiotic.com money on healthy food or some interesting leisure time?

My friends also spare no expense on these procedures, while my son and I went on a trip and spent the same amount as I would have taken to a cosmetologist at a time. Tell me, is it worth throwing money away on such a procedure if you can spend it to benefit yourself and your family? After all, before they somehow managed without it and looked very good.

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