The power of last love

The power of last love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Imarried for almost 30 years. Came out at 18My husband is 10 years older than me. We're fine with him. The children are adults and live in another country. UMy husband and I have leadership positions in different organizations. The work is interesting, we live in abundance.

A few years ago I almost got into an accident. Since then I haven't driven. Now my husband gives me a ride to work. But it happens that I don’t have to be at work by 9. Or my husband has a business trip, or a meeting, or for some other reason he has to get there himself. This happens even more often after work. The working day always ends differently.

And actually, the situation itself. We have been using the services of the same taxi driver for over a year now. For us he is always free. Comes from anywhere in the city and at any time. Not only did he give my husband and me a lift from work to work (there were times when our car was at a service station, my husband after some event), but also picked him up from guests, corporate events, from a train station, and an airport. The man is very decent, over time he became like a distant relative to us.

And six months ago, just before quarantine, he confessed his love to me. I was shocked. He says he fell in love almost from the first trip, but seeing that my husband and I have goodrelationship , I didn’t want to interfere with someone else’s family. He only opened up because he was afraid that we would never see each other again.

The fact is that before quarantine, my husband and I had the idea of ​​moving to live closer to the children. The eldest daughter had a wedding in February, and grandchildren may appear in the near future.

He didn’t ask for anything from me, any actions or deeds, just to use his services while we were at home. I have always felt comfortable around him (even though he is even older than my husband). During this work, he tried not to give up (in the past he was a teacher at a music school). An interesting conversationalist, he listens to very good music. Later I found out that he specially selected and recorded the tracks on a separate flash drive for me.

At first I was in some kind of euphoria. I couldn’t believe that I could still evoke such feelings (I’m already approaching 50). At work they even noticed that she looked younger and had a sparkle in her eyes. And my husband suffered from this. It’s as if we have a second youth, I couldn’t be happier.

But now it’s hard for me, it’s hard to see how I’m torturing this one and that other while continuing to live my normal life. See his eyes. He is ready to do anything for me, but I have so much, I can’t give him anything.

Finish thisI can't meet . I tried many times. I can't live without him. His voice, smell, the fact that he is nearby, conversations about music (this is not discussed at home, mostly work, children). These half an hour one way and then the way home in his car in the evening, it’s like I’m in a parallel reality.

We had nothing and are unlikely to have anything. Although I won’t hide the fact that before going to bed I dream, I imagine us together, I dream about him. What is this, is it really she,love , last? I could never even imagine that this could happen.

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