My son has changed a lot and is acting strange.

My son has changed a lot and is acting strange.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought I was obedient and quieta child can bring so many problems. After the divorce, I was left with my little son (he was four years old at the time), completely alone. My parents are far away, I have no friends in a foreign city, and I only communicated with my employees at work and with my son.

He grew up, we were friends, always together everywhere, very rarely did I make comments to him. When my son was 9 years old, I met a man who became my second husband, and replaced my son Dima with a father. Not only officially, but also for real. They always found a common language with each other, topics for communication,My husband took his son with him to the garage and fishing, and we relaxed together. Everything changed with the birth of my daughter, and not immediately. At first, Dima was glad that he would have a sister, in the first months he constantly came from school, the first thing he did was look into the crib, he missed her.

But when Vika turned one year old, it was as if her son had been replaced. Onparents arrived for the child's birthdaymy husband , my parents, godfathers, everyone brought a lot of gifts. Dima did not take part in all this festive fuss, walked around gloomily, and then completely locked himself in his room. I tried to talk to him, to say that we would also invite guests, his classmates, to his birthday , I told him to think about what to give him, so that we would know in advance. ButIn response, my son was rude to me and said that he didn’t need anything from us.

I think that the issue here is not about gifts for my sister, because my mother-in-law brought a large construction set for my son, and my parents gave himmoney for a new mobile phone. Most likely, he was hurt by the fact that his sister had afather , and he saw his only two times, and even then he was drunk. Maybe at that age they appearcomplexes , but I don’t know what to do about it. We are attentive to our son, we never give preference to our daughter, although she is small and requires much more attention. The most important thing is that itmy attitude towards Vika has not changed at all, although this is exactly what I was afraid of. Dima has no jealousy towards his sister. He is interested in playing with her, and from school he always brings her candy or a bun, specially left for her sister. Then what happens to him? How can I help him and encourage him to have a frank conversation?

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