Son and daughter-in-law are thrown out into the street

Son and daughter-in-law are thrown out into the street
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that we live in a three-room apartment as a large family –son with daughter-in-law, me anddaughter . My husband died a year ago. While he was alive, everything depended on him, now for my son and daughter-in-law I am not only not an authority, but even a burden.

Although each of us has our own rooms,The daughter-in-law has already suggested moving out. But how? The apartment is privatized for everyone, if we sell it, we won't be able to buy a one-room apartment for everyone. The daughter is 26 years old,She is not planning to get married yet, or rather, no one has proposed. Because of this, she is very hot-tempered and often gets depressed. My daughter-in-law's parents live in the village, and she is pushing her son to move me there. But I flatly refused. I still work, although I am retired, but it is not enough, and how will I live in the village?

It has come to the point that my son and daughter-in-law demand that one room be shared (to watch TV, sit with friends), and that my daughter move into my room. But we do not agree to live in one, and what's more, the smallest of all the rooms. Now, to spite us, they invite friends and throw noisy parties.

It's very hard to live like this. If I had a dacha, I would move there, but I have nothing but this apartment. I'm afraid that if my daughter gets married, she will also demand that I sell the apartment or give up her share in it. I'll have to live on the street in my old age.

Would be aliveMy husband wouldn't allow this.

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