Son demands that we apologize to his wife and her mother

Son demands that we apologize to his wife and her mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I sympathize with the author of this story, because I am convinced that those sons who, having gotten married, forget their parents, do not protect them and their opinions, are just people with a very weak character. At first they were behind their parents' backs, then they stood behind their wives' backs. The wife turned out to be dominant and cunning. Like our son, for example.

The daughter-in-law smoothly took care of our son for 11 years. First, she “stole” him from our family business, where he made very good money, and which we wanted to transfer to him. The reason I came up with was that it was harmful to health, since rubber glue was sometimes used in production in small quantities. I put him at home with the child, our grandson. She herself is a bank boss with a high salary and a three-room apartment.

She fawned and played with us, what can I say, they somehow lived without quarreling. After 5 years, my granddaughter was born, my son has not worked anywhere for 10 years and does not want to. He seems to be so comfortable. But over the years he has changed beyond recognition; his character has become a copy of his wife. She completely subjugated him and,, in general, she doesn’t need us, his parents, in her life - we’re not very useful to them. Her parents, pensioners, live for them,they give moneyThey buy them groceries by the bagful, they buy them expensive things, they take care of their children, despite the fact that theirfather , our son, is sitting at home!

The husband was silent, silent, could not stand it, expressed everything that he thought, that the son had become a parasite in front of them, that the daughter-in-law was like a stranger, she wanted grandchildren, she wanted, no. And it turned out that the world was so fragile that it collapsed from the father’s opinion, and we saw that our son had long been worse than a stranger. He did not reassure his filial parent, saying, don’t worry, don’t be nervous, father. He said we owe his wife and her mother an apology. I began to remember that we didn’t give him this, we didn’t raise him like that, we didn’t provide him with everything.

So now we live, relying only on ourselves, we see our grandson only when we pick him up from school. It’s a shame, but we see that he is a weak man, he has no opinion, he is now hiding from life behind behind the back of his lively wife, and since she earns money from here, his greed and squalor, which is a sign of inferiority and spinelessness. Sorry for him. But he won’t hear us anymore, he’s now herhusband , not our son.

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