My son went to live with his father and didn’t even congratulate me on March 8

My son went to live with his father and didn’t even congratulate me on March 8
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haveProblems communicating with my son. In general, I have three children, my son is the eldest. I'll tell you my life story in order.

About nine years ago, I had a nervous breakdown due to my relationship with my husband, after which he finally abandoned me and the children. At that time, I could not afford treatment, because... I had to work hard. I forced myself, worked, gritting my teeth, despite the feeling of being crushed by a heavy stove, and at home I began to have hysterics and the children suffered a lot from me. Then physical health problems began: kidneys, stomach, heart, back, joints...

Three years ago I had to leave my job because... the money that I could allocate forI didn’t have enough medicine to bring myself to a working state.

Last year my exMy husband married again, and in January of this year my son went to live with him (his son is already 15 years old). There they now have a fullfamily and enough money. I understand that the boy needsfather , but it really hurts me that this happened. I don’t know now how to communicate with him, what to say (some kind of painful emptiness inside and dullness). He comes to see me very rarely, although he lives in a neighboring house, he doesn’t call, and when I call him myself, he speaks in an irritated voice and tries to quickly end the conversation. He is probably ashamed of me or despises me for my weakness, lack of restraint and inability.

When my son left, he said that I was annoying him with my demands to do his homework, maintain hygiene and order in the room, although I always started to ask calmly and affectionately, and he pouted his lips and snapped (the lack of his father’s hand is clearly visible), and then sat stupidly all day at the computer.

After living in a new family, he complained that his younger brother there was very mischievous and capricious, and he seemed to look at himself from the outside and would not behave like that anymore. It turns out that there are also advantages to him going to his father. But how can I come to terms with the fact that he doesn’t need me anymore?

So on March 8 , he didn’t even call, he only wrote to his sisters on VKontakte to ask him to congratulate me from, and stayed to celebrate with his new family. And I would really like him to pop in for a minute and just say “Happy Holidays, Mom”...

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