My son fell in love, but I don’t know what to do

My son fell in love, but I don’t know what to do
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son is 10 years old and he fell in love for the first time. But not like a peer, but like a girl who is 5 years old. The girl is very beautiful, she lives in our yard and runs around with her friends, but shebaby and minemy son is already a teenager. He doesn't take his eyes off her. He follows her around. She doesn’t sleep at night and talks to me about her all the time. The way she looked at him, the way she walked with her friends, described her as a princess from a fairy tale.

I'm very worried and don't know if I should see a psychologist about him. After all, this is not normal. He has friends and girls in his class. He walks with them and communicates and in general he is the life of the party. But as soon as this girl appears in the yard, that’s it. He leaves his friends and sits alone on a bench and watches her.

This girl is just a child and I’m trying to explain to him, but he doesn’t listen. It's for pocketmoney runs to buy her some sweets. Her parents told me about this, but they told with a laugh that, they say, children, and already love. But my son is already a teenager. I find this strange.

Should I take him to a psychologist or psychiatrist? Maybe someone had cases? I'm very worried about him. After all, this is not correct. He writes love letters to her and puts them in the nightstand, there’s already a whole stack of them. What to do?

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