My son suddenly cut off communication and doesn’t want to communicate

My son suddenly cut off communication and doesn’t want to communicate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's difficult, very difficult. Mymy son abandoned me six months ago. Suddenly. Single, 29 years old, no father.

My son left to look for a job, he seemed to have found it, he called himselfevery day he asked for advice on how to settle in a new place, told how the day had gone, he didn’t like everything in the team (drunks) and the work was not easy. In the evening we had a good conversation about the package that we sent him for his birthday , and in the morning he called very early, irritated, nervous, indignant that they gave him the wrong thing, got angry, rude and said: “don’t call me anymore, forget me.”

I didn’t understand anything - I was in shock. She answered him sternly that it was time to grow up, soberly assess situations and be responsible for your actions and words. And now, six months of torment, I haven’t heard my son’s voice live, there’s no sleep, not a minute of peace in my soul. I constantly dream about it, I wake up from his call. I tried to talk (he doesn’t answer on his mobile phone), find out what happened, except for swearing (but this is not typical for my son), he replied that if I call or write, he will change the number, mail, or leave the country. And does not respond to calls or SMS, and occasionally one word “normal” via email.

The soul is torn from the unknown, what happened, where is he, is he alive and well? I wrote that I would come to talk, that it would not resolve on its own, I needed to figure out what happened, I responded with irritation and threats of consequences. He has no one except me and his eldest son. He didn’t call him mom, and he doesn’t answer his eldest son either. I wrote that I was worried about himlife , and not trying to manipulate him, if I see him I will calmly leave. He answered very rudely and cruelly, like a stranger, that my letters irritate him, spoil his life, he’s tired of my tears, he’s not interested in my feelings, he doesn’t care about us (although I don’t complain about anything, but usually write about our life at home or I'll send you a photo). In general, he doesn’t look like his son at all. There is confidence in my soul that it is not my son who is writing.

It’s hard, but I’m afraid to take a step so as not to completely lose contact with him: contact the police - they will laugh, mock and not do anything. To a private office - you need a lot of money and it’s also not that they will do everything, I tried to call him like the owner, I couldn’t get through, they didn’t pick up the phone, I tried to find him on social media. I wrote to someone local on the networks, asked them, but they didn’t answer. There is no one to help. I have to go myself and look for it on the spot, but if it’s really him who has the bit between his teeth, I can lose him completely. ButThe question is , is there anything else and who to lose? Where can I get wisdom to solve the eternal question of fathers and sons? Believe me, it’s scary when you wake up from your son’s call “mom!”, answer: “yes son!”, jump up, and there’s no one around at night. This is not life, this is terrible torment. I can’t imagine how the mothers of our children who died live.

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