Glory to the Hero of Ukraine!

Glory to the Hero of Ukraine!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Yesterday afternoon a very terrible event happened. As all of you here know, there is a terrible war going on in Ukraine, such a war has not been seen for more than 70 years.

This afternoon, an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner was shot dead by Russian fascists. The man was completely unarmed, did not attack anyone, and was smoking a cigarette. All he said in the video was just one phrase: “Glory to Ukraine!” He said it so calmly that it gave me goosebumps, and 2 seconds later he was shot. This video has gone viralInternet. I didn’t know this man and, judging by his face and how calm he was, he understood that he would be killed, but the man remained faithful to his country, which he went to defend and, having said this phrase, he died from the bullets of the Russian occupiers.< /span>

This video could not leave me indifferent, like many of my compatriots. He's a stranger to me, but he's all minefamily today we grieved as if we had lost a loved one. Mom cried all day, but I still can’t smile, I remember this man, and my heart hurts so much that he died, and that he could still do so much for our country and his family...

At the beginning of the war, I realized that there are no good Russians. Russia is not a country, it is a territorial entity, renamed Muscovy, collected from different countries and different peoples, and Russians are a minority there. I wish all the peoples in Russia to come to their senses and before it is too late to break away from the Russian Federation. This is the only way you can feel what freedom of choice is, how to live and who to be.

Throughout the history of my country, one can remember many moments from how we were treated by the monarchs of other countries in which the Ukrainian land was part of. The whole problem of our people is that within the country we are constantly quarreling, and this is precisely the reason that we have been moving towards independence for so long, although we could have become a great country back in the days of Kievan Rus, the descendant of which is modern Ukraine, and be so and till today. Our people need to learn not to quarrel within themselves, but to be understanding towards each other. Then we, as a nation, will be invincible under any circumstances, because when great trouble comes, our country unites. This is our strength, this fact is proven in today's realities, Russia cannot defeat us, and will not be able to. Precisely because the Russian president does not understand Ukraine.

Probably, many will be surprised to learn that Stalin understood that the Ukrainian nation was a threat to the safe existence of the empire being built, because it was the Ukrainians who constantly rebelled against bondage and violence, these uprisings led to bloody wars.

Ukrainians from time immemorial have struggled with bondage. We fought with the Poles under the leadership of Khmelnitsky, when the Poles considered many Ukrainians to be slaves, they went to the Sich, found themselves in an environment where democracy was revered, in general all the Cossack Sichs (precisely too< a i=2>zatsky, from the word Cossack) were nothing more than military camps where real warriors were trained, at that time the Cossacks were the most effective army in Europe. When, with the help of the Russian Empire, the Cossacks won and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth collapsed, part of which went to the Russian Empire. And after some time, Catherine II destroyed the last Sich and as such the Cossacks went underground, and then, as many thought, disappeared altogether. Catherine did this because, like Stalin later, she was very afraid of Ukrainian uprisings, since she knew that her army could not cope against the Cossacks.

During the Soviet era, the Ukrainian language and literature were banned; Stalin organized the Holodomor in 1932-1933 to intimidate and destroy the protest potential that existed in Ukraine during the Soviet Union. Only our ancestors would have been able to rebel and defeat the Bolsheviks, and such a country as the USSR would not have existed for a long time. People were shot then for the slogan “Glory to Ukraine,” just as my compatriot was shot yesterday.

Throughout our history connected with the Russian Empire, they constantly tried to destroy us, because Ukraine is the main threat to Russia. Precisely because Ukraine has completely clear guidelines in life, people in it want to prosper, people (including me) want independence. Our people hate slavery. For me, this is the difference between Russians and Ukrainians: Russians are accustomed to living in a monarchy and dictatorship, while Ukraine as a state spent most of its development striving for democracy. As an example, the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who elected their chieftain through elections. We love freedom, and we love to be free. I think if Stalin saw what was happening now, he would understand that he could not destroy the national idea and strength, and that Ukrainians are a symbol of freedom, struggle, and perseverance.

Thanks for this to our soldiers, to all who fell and all who are holding on, bringing victory closer to their sworn enemy - Russia. We, Ukrainians, will definitely win, everything will be Ukraine! And Stepan Bandera himself said that the time will come when one will say “Glory to Ukraine!”, and millions will answer “Glory to the Heroes!” If he saw how we fight and how the world supports us, he would be very proud of the people of such a beautiful country as Ukraine. Because what he always talked about and warned about happened on February 24, 2022.

But the brightest thing is when millions, maybe even billions of people have already begun to respond to this. I think that the entire civilized world knows how to respond to this. The whole world recognized Ukraine. And the phrase “Glory to Ukraine” has become even more significant, this is precisely the mistake of the Russians in this war. With this action they tried to intimidate us, but in the end they only angered us more. I personally consider all Russians guilty of this war, fair retribution awaits all of you.

My condolences to the family of the deceased defender. Peace to his soul... I will mourn with you, this is a great loss for all of us. It is very symbolic that actor Leonid Bykov, a Ukrainian born in Donbass, who loved Ukraine with all his soul, became a movie symbol with a German fascist. The symbol of the fight against Russian fascism was a warrior with an absolutely calm face with a cigarette in his mouth, who, looking into the eyes of death, remained a man who loved his homeland to the end. And even if he doesn’t answer me, I want to answer him: “Glory to the hero! Glory to the heroes! And glory to free Ukraine!”

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