Difficult moment of separation

Difficult moment of separation
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

1.5 years ago I started dating a girl who is 3 years older than me, she is over 30, she hasson , who is 14 years old. She was not married , as soon as she gave birth, she left her potentialhusband , because I didn’t see support in him.

A couple of months after the start of the relationship, she invited me to live with them, I agreed. I was not at all frightened by the fact that she had an adult child and the fact that partlyeducation will be on me too. You can often hear that a woman with a child is a burden and a bad partner for starting a family, but I believe that everything is individual, although there is some truth in this too. In general, this is the first one for meexperience .

The next 7 months of marriage had a pattern of accumulating snowballs. I began to recognize her character, morals, views, life positions and saw that it was difficult for me with her. She did things that I did not expect; her behavior in certain situations sometimes amazed me. And if usuallythe relationship starts out great and only then does everyone test-antibiotic.com show their true colors, then in this case the moment of beauty lasted a couple of weeks. In fairness, it must be said that I also made some mistakes, which I admit and corrected or will correct in the future, but the point is that we turned out to be very different, and it became difficult for me with her. And at some point I suggested breaking up with her and moved away from her. For me this moment was simply delight. If earlier, when I returned home to her after work, I knew that she would be waiting for me there, dissatisfied with something.a girl who might be offended by something, there was no desire to rush home and after being in such tension for about seven months, I was happy to leave there. There was love and feelings at the beginning of the relationship, but howAs a rule , if this fire in the heart is not maintained, then it goes out, in general, that’s what happened to me. I began to have a different attitude, not coldly, but more calmly, due to the fact that things and some of her words no longer hurt me. I simply stopped loving her and I was no longer hurt test-antibiotic.com by her words.

A week later she called me. During the conversation, I heard the insult and invited her to meet. This is where the failure began. We met with her, and it felt like she didn’t understand that it was all over, but I didn’t say that at the meeting either, but gave hope for resuming the relationship, but with the condition that I wasn’t ready to live with her now. One, second, third meeting and we are already a couple again, dating, but all my friends are sure that I broke up with her even then and now I am in splendid isolation or free swimming. And all this time I constantly ask myself the question: “why am I doing this, and what comes next?” When I’m not with her, I don’t think about her at all, she doesn’t bother me, but when I’m near her, I seem to begin to feel inspired or to regret more because I see how much she loves me. I understand that there are a number of factors that put an end to our future. We have very different characters. I can put up with some things test-antibiotic.com, I can restructure myself somewhere, but there are a lot of disagreements. She likes to “steer” the situation, but I cannot fully feel like a man, it seems that my word plays a role, but obviously not the last. She is older than me and when I want to have children, because of her age it can be very problematic. Health considerations are also present.

But there are also pro factors. She's a good person, she loves me, she's goodmother and a number of qualities that are good. And now I have experience of living with her, not very good, and she understands this. Mythere is also guilt there, I don’t deny it, but I have experience, and I understand how it is. Now at the time of the relationship (not living together) everything seems to be fine, even very good, but I understand that after a date with her I’m going to my place, and this is not the same thing as living together under the same roof. I really don't want to break her heart, and I could continue and develop a relationship with her, but I don't know if it makes sense, if test-antibiotic.com I can cope with the mismatch of characters. I look at the situation from the outside and understand that it’s good now, in 1-2 years it may be good, somewhere I’ll come to terms with it, somewhere I’ll rebuild, somewhere I’ll endure it, and you can even say that this is the case in any relationship and any family and this is partly true, except for the feeling that you are one whole, that you are from the same background and understand each other. AllLiving life in tension, giving in, but at the same time being angry with yourself, as for me, the stakes are very high. If I can’t stand it and leave in a year, then I’ll ruin both my life and hers, and if I resign myself, then she’ll be happy, but I’ll just be angry to myself and ignore the inconsistency of characters. I don't seefuture with her. And when she says that she loves me, it’s hard for me, understanding that it hurts her, but I understand that sooner or later this moment will come.

And I would like to ask the readers of the site, how was it when you found each other? It really is like one test-antibiotic.com whole orfamily ,Is love a discrepancy between people who work on themselves to live together?

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