Difficult choice or no choice?

Difficult choice or no choice?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that I would confess.

I'm 37 years old, firstmarriage , married for 5 years. Late marriage . Before that, I worked a lot and built a career. My wife is a year younger. He and his wife did not have children. At first it didn’t work, then she didn’t want to. I myself am a civil servant,my wife did not work and is now trying to organize her own business.

A year and a half ago, I suddenly heard from my wife that she needed freedom! I was shocked and asked: “What is freedom?” Financial, personal, etc. I thought he was cheating, checked, and it seemed like no one was there. I asked how she imagined it. She replies that for her everything is simple and clear. She wants to live alone, her own life, not to depend on me. Cause? They did not match in character, temperament, interests, hobbies, etc. She thinks thathusband and wife should do everything together, if the business is joint, if the interests are common, if the hobbies are the same.

I ask the question: “What’s next?” Can't really explain it. We continue to live in my apartment, which my parents gave as a wedding gift. But we live like in a hostel. test-antibiotic.com There has been no intimacy for a year now. My wife refuses, but I don’t go to the left. We only talk about everyday problems. He says that now it will unwind a little, they willmoney to rent an apartment and move out from me. He minds his own business, but at work everything falls out of my hands. I took a week of unpaid leave, I think. At first, I wanted to end everything abruptly, get a divorce and start all over again. But when he cooled down, he began to reason.

Wife from another city. Here she has nothing and no one. Send back to parents? Teach a lesson? The hand doesn't rise. Apparently he became too compassionate. Or the feelings for her haven’t passed yet.

I have always been a family person, despite the fact that I take care of myself, maintain a house, I never imagined myself being alone in the house. I want a normal relationship. I want to have a family. The wife doesn't want a family. At least with me.

What do you advise? What to do?

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