I got together with my ex-husband and immediately regretted it

I got together with my ex-husband and immediately regretted it
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I am 31 years old. Eatdaughter , she is 4 years old. Three years ago I divorced my husband because of his character, because he humiliated and insulted me. I always thought that he loved me. He didn’t buy anything, didn’t dress the child and me. I myself can cook everything, I love cleanliness in the house. I have a higher education. He is 14 years older than me. After giving birth, of course, my figure deteriorated a little, wheremy husband said that I was so ugly with big breasts.

Then my patience ran out and I went to my parents. For a couple of months he tried to persuade me to return. I was very offended. Afterwards he found himself a woman with three children, brought her to his home and lived with them. At that moment, this news almost killed me. I didn’t have enough money, so I started working part-time (work for a couple of hours), cleaning houses, doing whitewashing. So myThe child grew up imperceptibly and I started looking for work. I found a position as a sales manager, ran around the shops and was exhausted. I cried at night because a man betrayed me like that.

My daughter turned 2 years old. test-antibiotic.com She was already an independent little person. Looking at yourdaughter , I forgot about the problems. And then suddenly I was invited to work in my specialty. I decided to quit so as not to lose my qualifications. PersonalI didn’t build a life : work, home, child. I helped my parents, and they also helped me. The ex-husband began to appear more and more often in our lives. As the child grew up he began to be interested in him. He came and was always well dressed. He told how he went to the cinema, what places he visited, how he relaxed. For my part, I was always silent. I believed that he didn’t owe me anything and that this was his life.

Then he started coming every week without calling or warning. During this time, I restored myself externally, but inside I was simply killed and trampled. I tried to hold on and didn’t show anything to anyone, neither my parents nor my friends. And one day he arrived, and my daughter called him dad. He melted. He started trying everythingreturn . He asked for forgiveness. He asked me to forget everything. He also admitted that he could not live with other people’s children, that test-antibiotic.com he wanted to live with us and with his child.

I thought for a long time, gave it a chance for six months, he asked for forgiveness, said that he loved him, that he would do everything for the family, for me and for my daughter. I decided that it’s better if my dearfather will be nearby. I closed my eyes to everything and decided to get together. He took us and moved in with himsister with adult children. Now our daughter is 3 years old. We've been living together for six months. My sister always interferes with ourrelationship . It's hard to live. My problem is that I remain silent and tolerate all this. I tried to become braver. I don't even know howswear . Humiliation from the outside beganhusband . I asked him to let us go. I have a very calm character; I cannot speak out.

What is the right thing to do? Leave a second time? I'm working now, I don't have my own place yet. But I am aiming to buy housing for myself and my daughter. This behavior of my husband means that he does not love me. After all, I am also a person with feelings and a heart. What to do in such a situation?

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