I started to notice that I envy my married friends

I started to notice that I envy my married friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 27 years old and I'm notMarried . There were fleeting novels, which, as it turned out later, meant nothing to me, the lastthe relationship ended a year ago. During this time I never met someone who would callgetting married and there is less and less hope for that very meeting.

Lately I’ve started to notice that I envy those who have found their soul mate, and I envy all couples, both familiar and unfamiliar, both happy and not so happy.

Of course, I don’t want to be with just anyone, but I don’t feel comfortable whengirlfriends and husbands come to visit, or when I see a couple hugging on the subway.

I know it's all my faultloneliness . I keep myself in good physical shape, run, go to the pool, in the hope of meeting someone. But so far nothing is working.

My friends always invite me to visit them; more than once they have tried to introduce me to their husbands’ friends, but I can’t do that. You come to them, and everyone knows why you are here, like in a club: “for those over thirty.”

They are offended, they want test-antibiotic.com for the best, they say: “There is no need to be shy, think about it, you are soon thirty, and you are still alone and the chances are getting smaller every year.” I understand this, but I can’t overcome myself; I’m probably destined to be alone.

I recently met a man at work, I immediately liked him, but it turned out that he was divorced and hadchild . I understand that there are different reasons for divorce, but I’m afraid that it has some shortcomings, it’s not for nothing that ithis wife could not live with him, even though there isson .

Mom is very worried that she won’t have to babysit her grandchildren, she says. That I'm going too far, and that you can't foresee and calculate everything, you need to be more decisive. I don't want to upset her, and I promised that I would try to arrange my personallife . But how to do that?

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