Should I hope that my husband will change or decide on a divorce?

Should I hope that my husband will change or decide on a divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for 15 years. We have two wonderful children growing up (a son is 10 years old, and a daughter is 2 years old), but lately, ourrelations began to deteriorate rapidly.

Previously oursmy family inspired me, and now I find myself thinking more and more often thatthe husband does nothing but suck out the positive, provoke conflicts and quarrels. I’m not a confrontational person, I try to talk to him, but it’s of little use. It is especially difficult to restrain yourself in front of children, because you don’t want them to witness quarrels. On the other hand, inside I just want peace.

I really don’t want to deprive my children of a complete family, but living in constant restraint of your emotions is simply dangerous to your health. Plus, you need to think through all your actions very carefully, consult with a lawyer, find a higher-paying job, balance your ability to provide for children and find ways to achieve this without relying on alimony.

I would like to hope thatattitude My husband will be the same, but it seems to me that you probably shouldn’t console yourself with this. I’m starting to remember how good everything was these years and I’m just pushing these thoughts away. What if everything changes? It seems to me that if I allow myself to think about it, then I can end up in a very difficult life situation. Previously, I could only rely on myself and now I understand that now I am responsible for the children too, I only need to count on myself.

I want to do the right thing, but not be cowardly, not become a victim of empty hopes for the best, and at the same time, how to do it so as not to traumatize the children?

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