Is it worth communicating with such a mother-in-law?

Is it worth communicating with such a mother-in-law?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At first, my father-in-law and sister-in-law were wonderfulrelationship , but after living with them for a while, the relationship deteriorated to the extreme. I have not communicated with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for two years. We now live in our apartment. I felt great. During these two years, we congratulated each other only on birthdays, and then only with tension. Her husband reconciled with her a year ago, and she called him about once a month during this year to find out how things were going. Now he wants to make peace and always invites us to visit and sends greetings to me. Before that, she didn’t care about me for two years. Now he's calling his husband almostevery day . I see how they are trying very hard to establish a relationship with me by all means and constantly asking when the children will be. Like he really wants grandchildren.

This situation bothers me, because I see that it is not sincere. After every call she askshusband to help her or sister-in-law with something. Always complaining aboutlife . She began to hint that we would take my husband’s godsister in the future. I slightly abandoned this topic. I tried to communicate with my sister-in-law, but there are no common topics at all. Always discussing other people. I can't stand it. Especially hearing this from people who don’t know how to do anything themselves. In general, there can be no talk of the cross. But my mother-in-law presses like a tank in her desire to improve relations with me. On the one hand, I understand that thismy husband’s mother , but I see her hypocrisy and turns her away from communication. I felt so good when she didn’t want to communicate either.

Now they are inviting me to their wedding anniversary in May. Before that, I didn’t go to visit, I excused myself from work. If I don’t come this time, there will probably be a grudge for centuries. But if I come, he’ll call me after the meeting and think that we have a great relationship. Will askhelp myself and my sister-in-law, as it was before our quarrel. If we communicated as equals, that no one owed anyone, then I would be ready to maintain a dry relationship. But she is one of those people who will not give anything in a relationship, but from they squeeze others to the fullest. This is also the financial side (before I asked for money for my sister-in-law to buy a dress, we fed my sister-in-law’s dog, called a taxi at our expense, expensive gifts). They didn’t give my husband a penny (my parents paid for the wedding entirely,husband has been working since he was 18).

Should I go to the anniversary, and if so, how should I behave so that she doesn’t think that she can call me now? Of course, I may not pick up the phone or answer dryly, but she is very hypocritical and will still play a good mother-in-law in order to get benefits. She told her husband that she was afraid that she would not be able to see grandchildren in the future. This is probably why he wants to improve relations with me.

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