Is it worth putting up with a lazy and greedy husband?

Is it worth putting up with a lazy and greedy husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been living for several years. At first I couldn’t get pregnant, then I was bornchild , but all thanks to my efforts and perseverance.

First, how we got married, mythe husband could wake up at 12, or even lie in bed until two o’clock in the afternoon. Naturally, this was wild for me, since there was no such thing in my family, and even if I slept, I only allowed it until 11:30 in the morning.

At the time when my husband woke up, I prepared food, got ready and ran to work. He also worked, but notevery day . Hishis father hired him and he worked at this job. But if I made money, that’s allHe gave money to his parents, but only pennies to me, arguing that I work, I have my own, so why not spend it. In general, I settled in well.

He asked me to help him, but not to leave work, since we are renting housing and it’s hard for him to be alone. When I said that we need to look for additional income and that the child and I will not be able to live on this money, he replied that he earns enough and needs to save.

He practically didn’t give me money for tests, doctors, cosmetics, things, I spent mine. Besides this, he never wanted to go anywhere, for example, to a park, a cafe or a movie. All the time he came up with excuses that he had no money, was not in the mood, he was working or was tired.

Afterwards he earned a decent amount, but doesn’t even want to buy a car. I just don't understand whether I should live with such a man. He complains all the time that I demand something from him, for example, to throw out the trash or help around the house, buyproducts . He wants me to carry everything myself, but the question is, why do I need such a husband? If I am looking after a small child, my husband is also looking down on me.

Everything would be fine, it could be endured, but the fact that he was even greedy for money for the child shocked me. He doesn’t want to buy him a toy or any thing. Every purchase or every outing occurs through a scandal. I hoped that after the birth of the child he would become more responsible and find another job on his free days, but, alas.

Advise me what to do. I don’t really want to get a divorce, but I don’t want to endure all this either.

And he always has a dissatisfied face if I ask for something. You see, I demand a lot and do not give him peace. And in his case, peace means sleeping, lying down and sitting on the phone.

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